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English Amiga Version of ITE?

Started by Clockwork Fox, Nov 20, 2005, 05:52 AM

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Clockwork Fox

I'm interested in information regarding an english version of the Amiga release of Inherit the Earth. :)


We're not aware of any such release. There was a German Amiga release by Softgold.

Clockwork Fox

I left you a private message via the boards here regarding this further - I'm not sure you've seen it.

I'll email you.


Quote from: WyrmMaster on Nov 21, 2005, 01:46 AM
We're not aware of any such release. There was a German Amiga release by Softgold.

Hello. I would be very interested in an English version of this game for Amiga. If there was one, would it be Softgold I should ask?
Did Softgold not just translate games in to German? then it should be an english or other language version? Or was it them who ported the game to amiga?
Can You please tell me Who could know the facts in this matter?


Softgold was bought by THQ. I doubt THQ is interested in releasing games for the Amiga.


No, not many companies, if any at all, would relase a game for classic amigas today. We are a too small market.
What I have read of Softgold, they did translations of games into german language, and that would mean that this game must have been made for amiga in another language, and most probably English.
I've search alot on the net on this matter, but no one seems to know anything about it.
Some one have obviously ported the game to amiga, why is there no one who want's credit for it? Why the secrecy?
I am sure it was never released, but it must exist? I would happily pay for it, even in shape of just files or an archive.
Please! Who knows!?


The Amiga developers probably created an English language build, if only as an interim step to making the German version. I do have some information that indicates an English version was partially completed, but Softgold wasn't interested in releasing that version. Remember, Softgold was a German company.


I asked THQ some years ago if they please could let go of their rights of this game since they hardly would have any interest in it. Of course they didn´t even reply :(
How long does the rights of computer software last? I remember doom was set free some years ago but maybe it was a good will of the owners, i have no idea. There where never a port for the amiga since it was said it could not handle it, but i belive it took less then a week for a fully functional port was created when the sourcecode was set free. Amiga has been underestimated all the time, imagine if commodore would have had sane people in their managment what fantastic computers we would have had today.

But if we just imagined THQ did return the rights to you for free, do the files even exist today somewhere? Who where the amiga developers? Or should i forget all about it? :(
I still own about 10 amigas and the majority works. I really would love to play this wonderful game on a real amiga.


It appears that The Dreamers Guild retained ownership of all ports. The publishing rights reverted back quite awhile ago.

I am looking into releasing the Amiga ports.