Hello out there (again) :)
First, excuse the mistakes in my posts - i am from Germany and don't even notice most of them ;)
I would be interested in this:
What did ITE start/change in your life?
Why i ask that? Well, simple question, simple answer.
ITE changed alot in my life. It was the reason for sitting in front of my 33 mhz 3/84 (DX!) for hours, days even weeks! I was fascinated... and it started my interest in this creatures. I didnt even know the word "anthromorph", "furry" or whatever and could not even pronounce it correctly.
That was, how everything started. And now, look at me. A wolf-a-holic, wearing the nickname "Rif" since the game came out here in Germany (fallenwolf = my nick, Rif = my characters name). (http://www.fallenwolf.com)
Thanks to the ITE team, i suppose, you can't even imagin what you did *grins*
Mmm...for me, ITE was not so much a beginning, but part of a continuation. I was already started down the path of furrydom, such as it is, by my sister.
ITE was...is....a wonderful game. I remember playing it for hours...and when I sat down with the game after having re-bought it at a con, I beat it without a second thought...that's how much I used to play it. XD It's really the only furry game I own...
I hope that with the comeback of ITE other furry games will be created. :)
It's a chance to build a world. The more thoroughly described a story's setting is, the more it starts to take on a life of its own. That maze sequence got me wondering about the Rats, who willingly live in such a place!
What I like most about a good game or novel is the chance to wander through the game world and learn about it. Maybe in the next generation of games, the world will be so detailed that it grows and changes on its own. I'd like to visit the Ferrets' town again once that happens!
Thanks for the replies, folks :)
Didn't expect that so fast hehe ^^
Well, i think i should add, that i was so fascinated - at the age of 10 - to start writing a storybook for the second pard! :)
In the end it had about 40 or 50 pages, i'm not sure anymore. But i skipped it cause noone seemt to be interested in it anymore. Plus, it is written in German of course.
What I would love to see is the village of the Foxes, AND a 'good' Wolf tribe. And maybe, the 'product' of Rif and Rhene's night befor the great contest.....? :P
I do remember before this game got re-released, reading an interview online that said this game was originally supposed to be a trilogy? that got canned (which is why ITE ends on such a cliffhanger! Ack! XD). I always did wonder what was supposed to happen next. :)
Wish the official sequels could get made, but...well, probably not going to happen ^_^;
Well, i suppose, we just have to push them hard enough to geht to work again :P
Cause i think, there are at least several hunderets of players who woul buy the new game as well.... including me ;)
The open end of the "first part" was the reason why i started writing to continue it :)
Hey FallenWolf Maybe you can translate it into english using an online translator like Babelfish and then puting the translation on a Word document or on notepad so we can see the great work you have done.
well i dont know if its really that good.. as i said, i was 14 when i started writing.. plus, i'm not sure if you'll understand anything if i use the translator... :(
The Babelfish Translator also converts german words and grammer to use correct English Words and Grammer.
I translated some german words into english once and it uses the correct English Grammer and sentence structure.
Here is the link to the Babelfish website
Bablefish Translator (http://world.altavista.com/)
Try to translate something from German (Deutsch) to English (Englisch) on the site.
Hmm well ok, but first i'd have to find the disc with the backup on it... or i may retype it completely... :huh:
Hopefully they'll start work on a sequel soon -- maybe we can get in on writing it!
When i asked if there will be a second part of the game i got the answer that it is/was still not sure... cause, of course, that would mean a real biiiig piece of work :)
(but yes, go on asking for it! show them that you want it! :D)
QuoteHopefully they'll start work on a sequel soon -- maybe we can get in on writing it!
I doubt we'd be actively helping...but I think our feedback IS valuable. :)
Well yes, i think/hope so. I was the owner of a RPG-Community for 3 years, and it was always very important to get a feedback - otherwhise it's getting boring and you start asking yourself if it's still worth the work you invest into the game...
So, keep going! :rolleyes:
QuoteWell yes, i think/hope so. I was the owner of a RPG-Community for 3 years, and it was always very important to get a feedback - otherwhise it's getting boring and you start asking yourself if it's still worth the work you invest into the game...
So, keep going! :rolleyes:
Oyyyy I know all about that. -.-;; I used to host RPGs on my website. Finally shut them down because of lack of interest. -.-
well, my community had about 65 members in the end, and i was always the one who got his back kicked when anything was wrong.
But i dont want this to happen to ITE, too - so i will do everything i can to keep it alive! :)
Now that is a little surprise for me ;-)
I stummbled over this website while i was looking through the ScummVM Support Page. (There are some rumours, that they will also support the engine from ITE
in future releases)
My ITE or better "Erben der Erde" experiences are also part of my "beeing an Amigian" memories ;-) Erben der Erde was afair the first Adventure on the Amiga with full speech support. Not even that, the CD Version (with i still owe) run perfectly from a naked A500 (with A590 CD atached) over the CD32 to my heavy modified Amiga4000 with PPC Card. My respect to the makers of the Amiga Version. Well I am still an Amigian, I even "upgraded" to a clone modell, called "Pegasos" Unfortunatelly the only way to play ITE here is to emulate it, because there are no custom chips on this machine. But thats a totaly different story, back to ITE/Erben der Erde.
Well playing adventures like Monkey Island where fun those days, but no adventure had such a good story (and as i said none of them provided speech) or beautifull graphics (No other adventure supported the AGA Chipset which provided more colours than the old ecs set) Well I even remeber that i had troubles to get further in one point of the game, so i fired up my modem and logged into to support mailbox from New World Computing in Hamburg ;-) (my mother nearly killed my because of the high phone bills, Hamburg was about 700 km away from me ;-) ) But I was really dissapointed about the fact that there never was a sequel to ITE. Especially with that open end ;-)
So i did the same as Fallen Wolf, wrote my own end, where the orb of storms (Sturmkugel) got more and more malfunctioning, causing heavy wheatherdissasters. So Rif and his friends had to go on another quest, and during that quest they found out many things about other orbs, they even found a small village where some humans survived and where they got answers to so many questions they had.... Well unfortunatelly the story died with my old Amiga 2000, its 40 MB Harddrive broke down one day, and i had no backup :-( Anyway I always hoped there will be a sequel one day or even a fan project like the zak mc kraken effort or broken sword 2.5. But I guess that not that many people actually played ITE, which is a real shame, because it was imho one of the(if not the) best adventures of its days.
Well that where my ITE memories ;-) Sorry for the typos and the bad english ;-)
I just remembered fanfiction.net, and searched it -- not a single ItE story despite entries for games as strange as Dance Dance Revolution.
I'm working on a story related to that idea about the last human taking over a Morph tribe, but it's so changed that it's not really ItE anymore.
Was and is: My alltime favourite game; a story I sincerely love; a game I played more times than any other game.
Want to know why? This game gives me a great feeling of friendship, hope and peace. It's just cute and awesome. A game that always made me happy. That's what Inherit the Earth is for me. :)
Hehe yes Damion, i exactly know what you mean ;)
Well, ITE always was and is something very special, a game that is simply unique. The problem is that it is not "mainstream" enought. But there are Ways go make a sequel much more populated. How? Cons! Furry cons are the perfect place to present new stuff like games, comics, magazines or books - i already did that myself for several times now.
And well, it works! It is important to get the game into as much insider shops worldwirde as possible. E.g., there are two insider-furry-shops here in Germany i know (Onlineshops), and they would surely accept a game like this if you would just talk to them. http://www.blackpaw.de/ for an expample.
I played ITE again two days ago. Ok, i already know it by heart, but it was so much fun to play :)
Till now i only knew it in Germany, but the english voices are much better.
It simply has to go on, so, lets get to work! ^^
My first contact with ITE was in 1994, when I discovered an article and some pictures about this game in a PC-magazine. But it was only five years ago I managed to get and play the game ; and it impressively moved me.
All the people who have taken part in the development of ITE can be proud of them. They have made a wonderful and peaceful story, enjoyable and accesible for everybody.
Thank you very much to them !!
Heh it was just recently that I came across this game on ScummVM. I know it was really old at the time, but seeing as I liked furries and anthros, not to mention foxes, I decided to give it a try and really enjoyed the story. The voice acting was perfect and got the job done well. I have never seen such a great cast of voices done so well for such an old game.. Incredible.. Would love to see some of these voices return in the sequel.. That would rock!
By the way, if anyone here is into Roleplaying as a furrie/anthro, there is currently or has been for many years now, an online RP called Furcadia in which you can check out at http://www.furcadia.com
I am sure anyone with a great imagination would have lots of fun with this online experience. Consider it something to hold you over until the ITE sequel eventually (hopefully) comes around. Just whatever you do don't get too caught up in it.. For certain people it can become really addictive.. ^_^
Well, Furcadia got quite old fashioned anyway. It is online in this way for years and hasn't changed since then. Plus, it is a commercial system. Without spending money on it you will have never the "full gaming experience"... :)
True.. But hey look at it this way, if you're always very kind, friendly, and open to others, you never know when some special digo might popup on your character someday hehe.. But if you do have the money, It is still fun buying their items especially if it were for someone else as a gift. One of my friends was so nice to me that she got me a draggie for 1 year.. So sweet of her.. I told her she shouldn't but she still did heh.. Oh and look at this way, if you know how to dreamweave well, you could make your own dreams and have them setup in any fashion you so desire.
ITE for me was an outlet of creativity. It introduced a possible future world that many have not imagined, where humans settle their differences with themselves as well as nature, and depart from the world, leaving all their great gifts that they had with the other creatures. ITE, in my opinion, is still one of the greatest furry games ever made. It had adventure, puzzle-solving, great dialogue/voice-overs, and is still a great game to pick up and play. Compared to ITE, most other adventure games are boring. It was a revelation in what society can be and may become soon.
This game is MY LIFE! I dunno how many times i've played my old Floppy Version. I HAVE to con my mum into buying me the Talkie for Christmas. I've been a Star Fox fan for a long time- so this game was right up my alley. ^_^ Being an Anthro/Furrie fan, my friends irratate and beat me up for it! Annoying Morph-Haters! :angry: Hmmm... Well, this game changed the way I thought about animals- could this be a possible future? Hmmmmm.... :rolleyes: I wonder... Well, see you! ^_^
-sigh- Oh, I guess I can tell you the truth.... Ya see, Im a REAL softie when in comes to anthro stuff. I just thought ITE was so, so, well, peaceful. You know, not a care-in-the-world type thing. I just play it every five minutes and sigh... If you really wanna know if it changed me, then, yes...
It's just so innocent, I've turned into a, er, emotional person (thats saying alot).
I dont care about what everyone else in the world thinks- I AM A SOFTIE FOR ANTHROS/FURRIES. Gahhh! I've told TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much! Im gonning to go and swoon over ITE charactors! -sigh-
don't worry, you didn't tell too much :)
I know how much ITE - or "Erben der Erde", as it is called here in Germany - impressed me.
Well ok, quite some time has passed since then, but i now bought the XP-Version of the game. (Yes, i do still own the original game with the original box :P)
I am still looking forward to a sequel, and i really hope, that it will be released sometime and it also won't be too much different to the first part.
ItE really is a cool game. My favourite one yet! (Right up there with Freelancer and Star Wars Battlegrounds II). How its changed me? Well, I bet before the time I wouldn't be writing all sorts of fanfiction, meddling with screenshots from the game, carrying the comic book around everywhere I think I'm going to be bored... and, of course, pestering Joe Pearce with emails.
Hey, FallenWolf, cool! I didn't know there was a German edition. I speak a little German (though I keep getting mixed up with the different words for 'the' -_-)
I know I'm a bit late to talk about your storybook, there have been so many posts inbetween... I think it would be cool to see someone else's ideas, as I've written a page about what I think happened to Sandy from the webcomic beforehand. Oh, how I want to strangle that self-obsessed little wolf-cub! But I wont go into that or I'll be sitting here for another hour or two ^_^
Yup, I agree with you about the sequel.
Hello my dear sister. :)
"Right up there with Freelancer ..." - which you never play anymore. Why, WHY?
"...and Star Wars Battlegrounds II" - That's BattleFRONT II. But ja.
Ouch. Sorry, I thought I typed Battlefront, must have been thinking about something else... no, I don't play Freelancer anymore. I think I should go and lick Sean Ashcroft later today... oh, hang on, we're talking about ItE here. Whoops! -_-
HEY! Ja is my annoying end-of-post word thing! (Growl) I'm putting you up on my chainsaw rampage list. Do you like hedge cutters, or just plain ol' 2-stroke. I can also sick Ozzie Osbourne on you. Well
Ja is a word that existed since forever, so you can't trademark it. Anyway, chainsaws will never stand against the power of the Dark Side! MUAHAHAHAA! JA! So there. ;) Ja.
Quote from: FallenWolf on Jun 02, 2004, 04:01 PM
Hello out there (again) :)
First, excuse the mistakes in my posts - i am from Germany and don't even notice most of them ;)
I would be interested in this:
What did ITE start/change in your life?
It did not change anything in my life, to be fair... :)
But I have to admit, back in 1994 I saw this game on the shelf of a local computer store and I was fascinated. I would only learn about the "furry fandom" seven years later. And being a broke school kid, I did not have the money to buy games on a whim. Besides, at the time it was DOOM, DOOM and more DOOM.
I have since then forgotten all about the game, until it was casually mentionned on one of my friends' Livejournals. I was pleased to see the game existed in a Win32 version and that it could still be obtained. Even though I had to go through a huge logistical exercise to get it shipped from the States.
I think I would have gotten more value playing the game back in the day. With my superior intellect (tm) it took me exactly two days to solve it from start to finish :) It was a nostalgic experience none-the-less. Unfinished business completed. Still makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Then, If it makes you all "Warm and Fuzzy Inside", that hasn't "Changed" you?
What does TVL stand for anyway? Wait, er, um, er, ?? PS do any of you people actually know what Ja means? Heheh. See-ya
Quotedo any of you people actually know what Ja means? Heheh. See-ya
Ja! Nou duh!
Ek wonder hoeveel mense daar is wat NIE weet wat "ja" beteken nie, soos jy sê, Oxanna. In elk geval sê almal dit (selfs in Engels, waar dit "yeah" gespel word maar baie eenders klink).
Wat is jou opinie, Marcus?
Quote from: Marcus Wulf on Oct 29, 2007, 09:25 PM
Then, If it makes you all "Warm and Fuzzy Inside", that hasn't "Changed" you?
What does TVL stand for anyway? Wait, er, um, er, ?? PS do any of you people actually know what Ja means? Heheh. See-ya
ITE was good fun, but it cannot compare to the weeks I spent playing "Rogue : The adventure game" or the months of my life I lost playing DOOM. I get warm fuzzy feelings all the time :)
TVL is an abbreviation for Tansvaal, the part of the world I am from... Wikipedia should provide further information as needed.
"Warm fuzzy feelings" from playing DOOM. Hum. Interesting.
QuoteTVL is an abbreviation for Tansvaal...
You probably mean "Transvaal", nie waar nie?
Quote"Warm fuzzy feelings" from playing DOOM. Hum. Interesting.
"Eat hot lead, one-eyed scum! HAHAHAHAHAA!!! ... How tranquil, don't you think, my friends? Wait, here comes one ... DIE, DIE, DIE!!! ... I always find these afternoons of DOOM so relaxing. It gives me a warm fuzzy feeling... like mould on a fast-rotting corpse..."
Makes me think of a quote from a famous writer when once asked why he wrote such gory books: "I have the heart of a small boy... and I keep it in a jar on my desk."
Disgusting (he said hypocritically).
QuoteTVL is an abbreviation for Transvaal, the part of the world I am from...
The Internet brings together people from all over the world... not to mention from all over the same province. Heh. Ons vir jou, Suid Afrika!
Duh Ja, ich weiß, was bedeutet, WolfieInu, was tun Sie für mich? Und wow ... Ich habe nie warm, fuzzy Gefühle von chainsawing Dämon der Leber und Milz, ihre Dreharbeiten mit Plasma-Kanonen ... Wenn Resident Evil macht mir das Gefühl, Fuzzy wenn ... :rolleyes:
PS: Ich bin ein wolfie down under.
Quote from: Marcus Wulf on Dec 21, 2007, 10:44 PM
PS: Ich bin ein wolfie down under.
Aha, deshalb... wo kommst dran, immerhin "ja" zu sagen? -_-