The Wyrmkeep Entertainment Co. Forum

Inherit the Earth Forums => General Inherit the Earth Forum => Topic started by: FallenWolf on Dec 09, 2004, 12:40 PM

Title: Music download
Post by: FallenWolf on Dec 09, 2004, 12:40 PM
Hello everyone out there!

I'm looking for the midi music files of ITE. Anybody does have them? ;) I really love the  music and would maybe like to transfer it to my mobile phone :)


Title: Music download
Post by: eriktorbjorn on Dec 10, 2004, 08:33 AM
If you've bought the Windows version of the re-release, look in the directory where you installed it. There should be a "music" sub-directory containing a bunch of MIDI files. From what I understand, this is the only version that contains those files. I believe the original version had all its music embedded in the game resource files (where it remains to this day), and both the Mac and Linux versions of the re-release use digitized music instead of MIDI.

The Windows demo contains a few of the MIDI files as well. Most of them have been left out though.
Title: Music download
Post by: FallenWolf on Dec 10, 2004, 09:18 AM
hmmm... i only have the original version of the game, and just patched it (the how-to is posted here in the forum).

can somebody send me those files? ;) is my email, thanks in advance ^^
Title: Music download
Post by: sev on Dec 14, 2004, 03:26 PM
Well, giving them to you would be illegal. From the other hand, windows demo has some of them. There used to be an older Win32 demo version which blindly included all midi files, but now it's gone, and I think that Wyrmkeep removed it intentionally.

But even with demo, remember that music is a copyrighted material.

Ah, DOS version has music in XMIDI format, and it's still possible to extract it.
Title: Music download
Post by: FallenWolf on Dec 14, 2004, 03:29 PM
but ...

a) i own the original game (2 times)
B) i do not have an extractor :)
c) i support the game and it's makers :P

so it is anything but illegal ^^
Title: Music download
Post by: WyrmMaster on Dec 14, 2004, 03:49 PM
Actually, sev is right. It would be illegal for sev to give you a copy of the MIDI files. On the other hand it wouldn't be illegal for me to give you a copy of the files as long as you agree not to redistribute them.

Is that's OK with you, Fallenwolf?
Title: Music download
Post by: FallenWolf on Dec 14, 2004, 04:21 PM
i got the files, just in another file format ;)
why should i distribute them? of course thats all right for me!

Title: Music download
Post by: FallenWolf on Dec 14, 2004, 04:49 PM
Hugs and kisses WyrmMaster till he's lying on the floor

:D  I love it! And now i can listen to it all the time! ;)

We defenitely need to continue this.. it can't end like that! What can i do to make this happen? :(  
Title: Music download
Post by: Kay on Dec 14, 2004, 09:25 PM
Change the law on music copyrights?

If you mean ItE, check out the other threads. What we're working on isn't officially a sequel, but could be similar. Between us we've already got three programmers, a writer, and an artist... out of three people. I've written a combat system and some AI, and the others have some graphics code. Of course we could use help.
Title: Music download
Post by: FallenWolf on Dec 15, 2004, 04:51 AM
QuoteChange the law on music copyrights?

If you mean ItE, check out the other threads. What we're working on isn't officially a sequel, but could be similar. Between us we've already got three programmers, a writer, and an artist... out of three people. I've written a combat system and some AI, and the others have some graphics code. Of course we could use help.
Well, what kind of help could you use? My problem is, that i live in Germany, and noonehere seems to be really interested in a Sequal.

if there is anything i can do, just let me know :)
my brain is full of ideas and fantasies, and i love to write storys as well as ideas for different characters.

Title: Music download
Post by: Kay on Jan 06, 2005, 12:24 AM
We could use brainstorming. Take a look at the two "Sequel Concept" threads (you might have to change the "view only recent threads" option) for what we've been talking about. We've got a general idea of using an isometric tile-based graphics engine, kind of like the village scenes in ItE but better-looking and with some 3D effects.

On gameplay we've been proposing (A) lots of running around, jumping, and throwing stuff, and (B) a slower, more RPG or adventure-like style where you walk around with party members following you. (A) and (B) conflict somewhat, and B is probably better. The game would be mostly linear but with some freedom to explore the game world. The computer characters are a selling point: I can do AI that's comparable to that in "Morrowind," and am trying to exceed what's planned for the upcoming "The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion." (See Niss' Journal (

For a story, the main idea is something about a young hero, a traveling messenger (the player selects the race/sex) finding an ancient artifact similar to the Orb of Storms and getting dangerous powers he has to research and protect. If we don't use that, we could use some other element that we can build a neat aspect of gameplay around; think of all the cool stuff you can do in "Zelda" games and how the stories there are built around that gameplay.

Ideas on all that?

And if you do art, we could use that too. Unique, inspirational concept sketches (rather than generic Tolkienesque fantasy weapons) would be useful. We currently have no art, but we're also not far along enough to need real textures and sprites. We're shooting for 800x600 resolution, lots of colors, and sprite-based graphics (2D) on a blocky 3D world.