I would seriously be very interested in a statue/figure of the Writer's Block for my desk. As someone who writes and world-builds as a hobby (largely tabletop RPGs), I can fully understand what that's like.
A sticker, coffee mug, or other trinket would be nice as well since I imagine a "desk topper" would probably take too much time and money to develop and produce.
Just use a piece of marble. You can get them at Home Depot or any building supply shop. Ask for any scrape marble sills. I had a small piece of marble for years but lost it during my last move.
I still need a Rif figure to place on the "scrap" marble, though.
That would be an interesting knick-knack ^_^
And likely expensive and time-consuming to produce. Which is why I said that the strip printed on a coffee mug would satisfy me.