As the latest update acknowledges, looks like this kickstarter isn't going to reach the finish line.
Still, I thought it was an excellently-run campaign, with awesome previews, updates, rewards, etc. I know it was well short of the goal, but $25,000+ is a sizeable show of support for a game like this!
Congrats on a well-run drive, even if we didn't approach the number we wanted.
I'll be staying tuned to see what happens next!
There has definitely been enough support for us not to abandon plans for a sequel!
I expect to have news on our future plans sometime in September.
I think the kickstarter went very well. I don't mean to be rude, but I will be honest. You guys didn't really show much and the art was pretty iffy as was the in-game demo(I realize it was placeholder art, but it looked like playstation 1 graphics). I think a lot more should have been done with say a showcase of something on a modern engine like Unity.
The good news is that a lot of money and interest was shown regardless, which is more important.
There's a ton of potential, and good luck on the future updates.
This post is very useful here. Read Eesy simplification
Quote from: ObiousAlias on Aug 25, 2014, 03:56 AM
You guys didn't really show much and the art was pretty iffy as was the in-game demo(I realize it was placeholder art, but it looked like playstation 1 graphics). I think a lot more should have been done with say a showcase of something on a modern engine like Unity.
I like the idea of better graphics and Wyrmkeep bringing more to the table on their next sequel, but I am definitely
against Unity. Even in 2D, Unity's just overhyped in my eyes. It shows promise, but not much of it. But Wyrmkeep is Wyrmkeep. If they want to do Unity, they can. I'm just rooting and praying for the good ol' 16-bit style they went with when ITE came out. It'd definitely be a breath of fresh air in the day's economy. Oh, and a less-childish storyline - not that the game was Winnie the Pooh childish, but it definitely had signs of having been dumbed down from it's original because, as I'm sure, NWC wanted a 'kids' game. At least, that's what the internet's been telling me.