Some pre-production work on Inherit the Earth 2 has been completed.
As mentioned elsewhere on this forum, I put aside one design for the second game in lieu of something simpler, but hopefully still interesting. I can now say that the new design is almost complete. More importantly, the design is complete enough to proceed to next steps.
Concept art based on the new design is in-progress.
I will be starting work on dialogue for the first section of the game.
I hope to have more news around the time of Califur ( in early June. At some point I will start tweeting development updates.
That's all for now!
any news out there?
The design for Inherit the Earth 2 is complete except for some puzzles that require final determination of engine features.
A writer should be working on the script by the end of September.
Wohaa, that sounds... good! Well, long time gone, eh? :)
Great news. Thank you for the reply.
Sorry if I it has already been mentioned but, have you ever thought about Kickstarting the project?
That's great news!!
Have you guys already picked out voice actors or are you waiting until the script is finished?
Quote from: JSM3050 on Oct 04, 2012, 11:25 PM
Have you guys already picked out voice actors or are you waiting until the script is finished?
I don't expect we will be looking for voice actors until we start production. We will try to hire some of the original voice actors if the budget allows.
We may create some pre-production trailers/teasers/whatever, in which case our voice actor needs may change.
Quote from: theruler on Sep 18, 2012, 07:49 AM
Sorry if I it has already been mentioned but, have you ever thought about Kickstarting the project?
Oh, yes :mellow:
YES! Do a kickstarter! :D All of us ITE fan kiddies are grown up and have incomes now. ;)
I am in. Definitely.
A short update: I have a writer lined-up. Currently working on preparing promotional materials for a funding campaign.
You wanted it, you got it!
We have announced a Kickstarter funding campaign for Inherit the Earth 2. Visit the Kickstarter project page ( to learn more!
I follow this forum and the comic since years. I hope you get enough money to make the next part (I spend 25 $ :)).
A german Version would be great. "Erben der Erde" had a very great synchro. :wub:
What, if you don't hit the 135.000$ with kickstarter? Is there also a chance, that you can make a new part or ist the project dead then?
I have started to work on the pieces to put together a new Kickstarter for Inherit the Earth 2. As it needs to be done right on this second attempt, I will be taking my time to get all the content needed correct. Therefore, it is going to be a few months in future.
One important change is that I won't be springing this Kickstarter on everyone without warning! There will be announcements and some advertizing before the launch date.
I am currently working on the game mock-up for the next funding drive. An artists is creating the character animations for the mock-up.
Also, I may create a separate Inherit the Earth 2 forum on this board. If I do, I will move this topic to that forum.
Any results yet? Pictures? Please give us an appetizer of your work -_-
I will posting something to both the ITE 2 ( and comic strip ( sites in a couple of weeks. And here too!
Here is the image I posted on the ITE 2 website (
This image uses elements that will be appearing in the project video.
The first draft of the project video script is complete. Hopefully the live-action sections will be filmed within a few weeks.
If anyone has suggestions for news sites/bloggers/etc. that would be interested in interviews about Inherit the Earth 2, this would be a good time to start passing those along to me :mellow:
As I mentioned in another thread, I purchased my copy of Inherit the Earth on They might be able to reach out to others like me and let them know about the upcoming Kickstarter.
On a related side note, are there any plans to add the soundtrack to the release?
Quote from: JSM3050 on Apr 20, 2014, 04:52 PM
As I mentioned in another thread, I purchased my copy of Inherit the Earth on They might be able to reach out to others like me and let them know about the upcoming Kickstarter.
I will be discussing that possibility with
Quote from: JSM3050 on Apr 20, 2014, 04:52 PM
On a related side note, are there any plans to add the soundtrack to the release?
There are some licenses issues what will probably prevent that from happening. The digital edition of the soundtrack is available from Bandcamp ( for a very reasonable price :mellow:
Good luck, I'll be sure to throw in a few bucks.
I just read Project Update #10 that was sent out a few days ago. It's sad to see that the second Kickstarter failed to gain traction -- though it did far better than the first.
I'm still looking forward to seeing ItE2 come out someday soon, and the mention of readjusting for a much lower (sub 25K) goal sounds like a great idea. Perhaps moving ItE2 into an episodic model might help keep costs down.
Looking in from the outside it's hard for me to say much, but if I were to give one suggestion it would be advertising.
It was clear that far more effort was put into marketing and advertising with the second Kickstarter. Being a fan of retro games I tend to follow news like this, but there just wasn't any buzz about ItE2. I wish I could make a suggestion on how to get the word out, but you'd need a trained marketer for that.
I'm curious how far you've gotten with the game design. I'm a programmer and author myself and would love to know what you're going through to create the game.
I wish you all the best of luck.
Still deciding how to proceed on Inherit the Earth 2. If I try a Kickstarter again, it will have a significantly lower base goal.
It's been awhile since I posted an update on Inherit the Earth 2 aka Inherit the Earth: Sand and Shadows.
Well, the news is: There is a plan!
I am splitting the game into three chapters. Chapter one will be 90% implemented before the next funding drive, and that funding drive's base goal will just be the amount needed to pay for the work on chapter one. Funding for chapter two and three will be "stretch goals" for that drive. The base goals will surely be less than $30,000. That is an amount that should easily be reachable.
(Why 90%? There will surely be backer-related reward tiers that will require additional game content in chapter one.)
And by "implemented" I mean art, story, sound effects, music and voice-overs, plus a demo!
Because chapter one is effectively being self-funded*, it is not possible to say when in 2015 the next Kickstarter will happen. Work on the game will occur when myself and the artists have spare time. Slow, but steady, will have to win the race here.
* Would you be interested in helping to fund development via Patreon? If so, send me an email at If enough people want to support us this way, I will set-up a Patreon account!
I have opened a Patreon account ( to help support development of Inherit the Earth: Sand and Shadows, Chapter 1 ( Please visit the project page ( for information on milestones and rewards!
I was wondering about something while re-watching the early gameplay demo footage and seeing how it is made out of separate scenes.
Will this game have scrolling? Like the first game perhaps? However the artstyle would have to be a bit isometric for that when it needs to.
The reason is that the scrolling gave the game a certain flow, it wasn't a slideshow but felt nicely dynamic, going around the towns was nice and it was stationary in only the appropriate parts. Having scrolling like that also help orientation around a (larger) place a lot I think. Not to mention that it would feel like the first game in that respect since I think that was one of it's many unique aspects. Other adventures I can think of only ever scrolled left to right and back, ITE went a more interactive/dynamic route.
Have you considered something like this for the sequel?
There will be a few scenes with scrolling, but not using isometric tiles. Just over-sized backgrounds the scroll.
It looks like its coming along well from what I've seen of it.
Nice new version of Rif. I like it :) He acts and walks more masculine now. -_-
Quote from: Diavolo on May 16, 2016, 02:47 PM
Nice new version of Rif. I like it :) He acts and walks more masculine now. -_-
That's good to hear :mellow:
Nice, works nearly perfect and looks naturally :)
But the animation is missing/stops at some words. "... where Rif ist standing" for example @0:23.
I need to determine what is happening the the "rest" position when speaking.
No new videos since 4 months? :(
I forgot to make the last report public after the one week exclusive for patrons an Patreon ( D'oh!
It is now public on YouTube and posted on Facebook.
The next report will be available to patrons by the end of the week and to the rest of world next week.
Is this project dead? :huh:
The project is suffering from low-funds grogginess at the moment.