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Inherit the Earth Forums => General Inherit the Earth Forum => Topic started by: filegnaru on Sep 12, 2010, 02:53 PM

Title: character portraits
Post by: filegnaru on Sep 12, 2010, 02:53 PM
last week i asked if anybody had taken the time to extract all of the different moods but didn't get a reply.
so i went ahead and did it myself. *g*

i think i have missed some... because i don't have okk and the pic of the rat receptionist here ( looks different to the one i have.
but i though i'd share anyway. :)

added names and kind of animal as requested.

bear: merchant

boar: captain, guard and king
( ( (

cats: alamma, elara, fortuneteller, prrowa and warrior
( ( ( ( (

dogs: guard, jailer, prince and tycho
( ( ( (

elk: captain, eeah and king
( ( (

ferret: glass maker, helper1, helper2, helper3, merchant, sakka, shop keeper and villager
( ( ( ( ( ( ( (  

fox: rhene and rif
( (  

hare: servant

hedgehog: faire goer

mole: money changer

mouse: kyla

orb: orb of hands

otter: faire goer

raccoon: chota

ram: faire goer

rat: puzzlemaster, receptionist, scorry, sist and unkown rat
( ( ( ( (

wolf: ferry man, gar, shiala and wrah
( ( ( (
Title: Re: character portraits
Post by: cairn destop on Oct 02, 2010, 05:23 AM
For those of us who haven't played the game, how about listing the names of the characters displayed? 
Title: Re: character portraits
Post by: WyrmMaster on Oct 02, 2010, 03:30 PM
All the characters with portraits can be found here:

Some characters in the game never speak or only speak in unison with other characters, so do not have portraits. Annabelle would be an example.
Title: Re: character portraits
Post by: cairn destop on Oct 03, 2010, 07:13 AM
Thanks for the link.  I must say I was both pleased and surprised learning you used a hedgehog.  This being a story based in the North America region, I anticipated a porcupine.
Title: Re: character portraits
Post by: filegnaru on Nov 09, 2010, 07:51 AM
*g* i had that link in my original post.
but i added the names and animals in here too.