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Inherit the Earth Forums => General Inherit the Earth Forum => Topic started by: Fellkinn on Apr 14, 2010, 12:26 PM

Title: How to update DOS versions
Post by: Fellkinn on Apr 14, 2010, 12:26 PM
(Since I'm new to this forum: Hi to everyone!!!)

The following text is about how to use the official updates (except the in this case unnecessary third one) with the DOS version of this great game. Step by step... (yes, it really works!  ^_^).

1. Things you need:

2. Install the programms:
Install ScummVM ( and (if you like to) an unpacker. DON'T try installing Inherit the Eath with it's own "INSTALL.EXE"!

3. Copy game data files:
Create a directory on your HD, in which the game should be placed (e.g. "C:\Inherit the Eath" or a folder called "ITE" inside ScummVM directory...) and then search and copy the following files from the game cd or floppies:
It's important, that you don't have any subdirectories in the end! All the files must be placed directly into the target folder!

4a. Extracting "update 1" data files (using an unpacker):
(If you DON'T use an unpacker, then proceed directly at step 4b)
Open the file "iteupd1.exe" with the unpacker of your choice and extract the file "CREDIT3N.DLT" from the "graphics" subdirectory directly into the game directory (similar to where you've put the files in at step 3). This will fix (or extend?) the credits.

4b. Extracting "update 1" data files (using no unpacker):
(If you've followed step 4a using an unpacker, then proceed directly at step 5)

5. Extracting "update 2" data files:
Search and extract the following files out of "iteupd2.exe" (just like you did at step 4a or 4b):

6. Update 3 is not necessary for the use with ScummVM!

7. Installing and playing "Inherit the Earth" using ScummVM:
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! !    Y O U ' V E    D O N E    I T ! ! !
...and if you haven't really done it... just ask :wub:

I switched between "explaning to my mother" and "explaning to a media junkie" back and forth while writing, so (I have to admit) this hole text is a bit... hm... kind of "confusing" :huh: :rolleyes:
Title: Re: How to update DOS versions
Post by: toprngr on Aug 23, 2010, 09:48 AM
This is really a lot of steps to follow but that always translates to complications and hard to follow guides. But I have to say, not this one, as this is really well written and directing the user from one phase to another without getting lost in between. It is really easy and well elaborated. I bet there would be a lot of people that appreciates your effort here. I am hoping that they would compile everything together and it would be a lot easier.
Title: Re: How to update DOS versions
Post by: almeath on Dec 19, 2011, 06:09 PM
Can the original 1994 DOS CD version be made to recognize the patches without having to rely on SCUMM VM?

The game runs fine in DOSBox, but the patches are not recognized. I still get the duplicated audio track bug in the introduction credits.

I know the patches have been put in the correct place because if I access the same game directory using SCUMM VM the audio patch is recognized.

I prefer to use DOSBox because I can get proper full screen HQ3 rendering on my iMac's 2560x1440 screen. The SCUMM VM graphics renderer does not currently properly support this higher resolution in full screen mode.

So, back to my original question : can the patches be made to work on the original 1994 CD version so that they are recognized by DOSBox or even an actual 90s PC running DOS?