The Wyrmkeep Entertainment Co. Forum

Inherit the Earth Forums => General Inherit the Earth Forum => Topic started by: Lymril on Dec 18, 2007, 11:09 AM

Title: Screen shots on Windows 3.1
Post by: Lymril on Dec 18, 2007, 11:09 AM
I have the old CD version of ITE for Windows 3.1.  Is there a way to take screen shots with this version?  If so, where are the files saved?  I tried using PrtScrn and looking in the main directory but I didn't find anything there.


Title: Re: Screen shots on Windows 3.1
Post by: Oxanna on Dec 18, 2007, 11:18 AM
Make sure you're not viewing it full screen.
Then use PrntScrn and go to any kind of paint program (though I'd recommend Paint Shop Pro 7) and say "cntrl V". Just crop off all the unnecessary sides. I've got a whole host of screenshots at -_-
Title: Re: Screen shots on Windows 3.1
Post by: Lymril on Dec 18, 2007, 12:22 PM
Actually, it's not Windows 3.1.  It's a DOS game.  I can't put it into a window.
I tried your link but it took me to my own gallary manager rather than yours.
Title: Re: Screen shots on Windows 3.1
Post by: Oxanna on Dec 18, 2007, 09:09 PM
Ooops. Well, that makes sense. :embarrassed:

You probably know how to get to someone else's scrapbook from their journals better than I do (I'm really new to livejournal) so you can just go there through my profile.

You could also try just to prnt scrn it maximised, although that made it come out all black and red and purple for me, it might be different for you.
Title: Re: Screen shots on Windows 3.1
Post by: Lymril on Dec 18, 2007, 09:23 PM
I have something else that might work.  I'll give it a shot and if it doesn't I'll have to work on something else.  :)

Oh, I think your friends are waiting for you in the RP thread on RHJunior.

Title: Re: Screen shots on Windows 3.1
Post by: WyrmMaster on Dec 18, 2007, 10:13 PM
I don't think there is any in-game screen-save ability in the DOS version, but I'll check the source code.
Title: Re: Screen shots on Windows 3.1
Post by: Lymril on Dec 18, 2007, 10:45 PM
I would appreciate it.  The other thing I tried was an old DOS TSR that I got ages ago.  ITE refuses to run with the TSR running in memory.  I seem to remember that ITE was always fussy about memory.

Title: Re: Screen shots on Windows 3.1
Post by: Marcus Wulf on Dec 19, 2007, 12:44 AM
Download DOSBox Lymril, It runs DOS games in full and windowed mode. Then U print scrn and junk like that. Google DOSBox, it's pretty infamous so it shouldn't be too hard to get a copy. Also, just press print scrn and minimise the game by pressing the Windows Button (Inbetween Ctrl and Alt). Unless, of course, you are running this game thru pure DOS (Not Windows), then I wouldn't know sorry.
Title: Re: Screen shots on Windows 3.1
Post by: WyrmMaster on Dec 20, 2007, 11:32 AM
I have checked and there is no screen-saving option in DOS ITE. (There actually is code to do that, but it is was disabled in the release version.)
Title: Re: Screen shots on Windows 3.1
Post by: Lymril on Dec 20, 2007, 11:38 AM
Okay, thank you for checking on that for me!
