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Inherit the Earth Forums => Fan Art & Fiction => Topic started by: Oxanna on Oct 23, 2007, 05:23 AM

Title: Another fanfiction idea
Post by: Oxanna on Oct 23, 2007, 05:23 AM
Playing ItE for the first time, it really struck me as cool, and clever, and fun, and so on and so forth...
Now I've got an idea for fanfic, perhaps a bit different from the original idea that springs to mind: in other words, I thought of writing a story, not about a Human coming into the Morph world, but instead a Morph going into the Human world... the way I thought of that happening was the character(s) being kidnapped for research or something like that. But I'd have to come up with a pretty good excuse for the Humans leaving *gulp* ;).

I hope it'll work...
Title: Re: Another fanfiction idea
Post by: cairn destop on Oct 23, 2007, 05:44 AM
Okay, one logic error noted.  If the Morph goes to the human world, why would the humans leave?  Your first part is fine.  What you need is the how and the why the Morph returns to his domain. 
Title: Re: Another fanfiction idea
Post by: Oxanna on Oct 23, 2007, 06:17 AM
My theory for the Humans leaving is that there was some kind of biological war type thing. My theory's explained in more detail in the topic 'how did they survive', actually.
And why the Humans came back to kidnap the Morph (I thought about a young wolf and his little sister for the lead characters): just for the sake of the argument, I'd say there was some kind of science competition, like, who could capture the weirdest specimen or something to that effect. As to how the two Morph return: well, perhaps they  started getting sick or homesick and begged the dudes to take them back. Or they stole a spaceship themselves - you have to admit, after a year (or how ever long they'll be gone) of hanging around Human spaceships - they'd better know how to pilot them, or they'd be really dim.

Now for one of my biggest problems: the Names. The girl's name I've already got: Nessie. I've named her after one of my favourite characters from the webcomic 'Tales of the Questor'. But the boy's... I'm open to suggestions. No, wait: PLEEZE! I NEED SUGGESTIONS FOR A NAME!!  -_-
Title: Re: Another fanfiction idea
Post by: cairn destop on Oct 23, 2007, 08:18 AM
Alright, will admit missing the premise of the story.  (Don't think you mentioned the departure of the humans.  Which is Rule #1 when writing fan fiction - never assume your readers know all the background information.)

Having the humans return either out of curiousity or as a collection run has possibilities.  There is the time element to worry about.  Your wolves might be intelligent, but there is going to be a very steep learning curve.  This could lead to some interesting stories, dependent on the amount of animal behavior the particular Morph maintains.

Names?  Oh yes, love that part of any story creation process.  Possible suggestions:  A play on the scientific name of your characters (Feral = Ferris --- Canine = Cain (Biblical)), or you can check out web sites for baby names that allow you to search based on a particular characteristic.  (You might search for opposites too as the contradictions might be nice --- Nimble = Nibs), and my favorite, look up either the word "wolf" or one of his major traits in a foreign language dictionary (lots of those online) and play with the word by adding or deleting a letter.
Title: Re: Another fanfiction idea
Post by: WolfieInu on Oct 23, 2007, 09:36 AM
QuoteAnd why the Humans came back to kidnap the Morph...

Well, perhaps the human survivors of the war had to leave without specimens of Earth life (except what they needed in their hydroponic gardens), and without much in the way of information about the Earth, since you don't stop to stock up your ship library when you're running for your life. If this is the case, then they presumably know as little about Earth and the Morph as the Morph know about them (listen to me now, referring to my own species as "them").

QuoteOr they stole a spaceship themselves - you have to admit, after a year (or how ever long they'll be gone) of hanging around Human spaceships - they'd better know how to pilot them, or they'd be really dim.

Except if it was a ship like the Millennium Falcon, always on the verge of breaking down. Then they'd need to return the favour and kidnap a human to keep it running. <evil laughter>

Just a thought, of course... <wide-eyed innocent smile>
Title: Re: Another fanfiction idea
Post by: Oxanna on Oct 26, 2007, 01:34 AM
Well, if they stole the Millennium Falcon they'd have to kidnap Han Solo, wouldn't they? And perhaps he'd cross the Hunters and they'd kill him slowly. MUAHAHAHAHAAA! Um... no.

Okay, my theory for the Humans leaving wasn't explained. There's this really cool game called Freelancer, and it has a prologue. By mixing it with ItE, I get this:
The Alliance, who wanted to mix Humans and animals into Morph (using the method explained in WolfieInu's fanfic) had a war with the Coalition, who wanted to clean up the planet. While fighting, they managed to break down most of the cities themselves. A small team of scientists from the Alliance established a base on deserted New Zealand and Morphed some people. Then they went to Germany/Japan/Spain/America/England to join the sleeper ships heading for the Sirius Sector to begin new lives.
Some time after they had gone, the Coalition were mysteriously wiped out. The people got sick and had hallucinations of a giant protozoan or something. I mean, I've got to get that thing in somewhere!  -_-
The sickness was, actually, created by Morph who wanted to keep the Humans from capturing them and perhaps disposing of them. The Rats and another anonymous tribe disagreed with letting all memory of the Humans die out, and so they wrote records and made carvings and paintings. The majority of Morph, however, either completely shut up about the Humans or twisted the tale to make it seem unbelievable and stupid. Otherwise, some might try to build skyplanes and find the Humans... they, of course, never reckoned on the Humans coming in search of their 'children'...
Title: Re: Another fanfiction idea
Post by: WolfieInu on Oct 26, 2007, 02:18 AM
My dear sister, you are weird. Let's just leave it at that, OK?
Title: Re: Another fanfiction idea
Post by: Oxanna on Oct 26, 2007, 02:52 AM
Not to mention you... I think our family could show the Robinsons from 'Meet the Robinsons' a thing or two about being weird ;). Anyway... the prologue idea works (sort of).
Title: Re: Another fanfiction idea
Post by: Oxanna on Nov 01, 2007, 07:07 AM
My bad for the double post - my previous one didn't say anything interesting, and I thought of something interesting to say in the meantime...
An idea suddenly struck me today. I was thinking about my story and how sad it was I couldn't really include any never-before-seen Morph tribes... and what kind of story I could write involving them when I'm done with this one. That was when the idea got me:
The Travels of Kylas Honeyfoot, dry goods merchant extraordinare! (Heh. Even imagined some kind of Cat Kingdom over the entire Eurasia.)
So... is this a good idea or not?
Title: Re: Another fanfiction idea
Post by: cairn destop on Nov 01, 2007, 12:05 PM
Not having seen the game, your fan fiction could have the bear merchant, the wildcat tribe, the hedgehog (yeah!) shown in the classic artwork, or you could change it to a porcupine in keeping with the North American animal motiph.  If you're familiar with the boars, who said it had to be a story about his tribe?  That would open your story idea to almost any creature.
Title: Re: Another fanfiction idea
Post by: Oxanna on Nov 01, 2007, 12:36 PM
Kylas Honeyfoot's an extremely irritating but funny Mouse from the game (also the only Morph I've ever seen wearing shoes). Unfortunately no real freedom as to what he looks like or what he thinks about himself (that the sun couldn't rise without him) but ja, it will be fun inventing new kinds of Morph and using merchants mentioned in the game and the comic for him to trade with.
The 'Cats all over Eurasia' idea has seemed to have got itsself stuck. A kind of Persian Empire. Kylas's little rodent-mouth would probably water at the sight of spices, jewels, ancient artifacts, ruins, Human books and games... I seem to be completely fascinated with Humans ;). Hedgehogs and Bears would certainly not be out of place in Germany and all its rather foresty neighbours
And Foxes... unfortunately, I must confess a kind of 'I'm sick and tired of Foxes' feeling. Robin Hood, Inherit the Earth, Faux Pas, Ozy and Millie... and when are Wolves ever going to be to good guys? The Sherrif of Nottingham, the Hunters of the Dark Claw, the Big Bad Wolf, Werewolves... *sob* -_-. Guess I'll just go lightly on the Foxes or not mention them at all. I don't want more Foxes!
Okay, rant, rant, yell, yell. I don't like Foxes. That was all actually kind of beside the point... heh. To close this pleasant fox-hating monologue: Prince (dreaming): "Bushy tails... I hate Foxes... throw him into the Maze!"
Title: Re: Another fanfiction idea
Post by: WolfieInu on Nov 02, 2007, 04:32 AM
(Shocked) My own sister?! Where did I go wrong?!!
Title: Re: Another fanfiction idea
Post by: cairn destop on Nov 02, 2007, 07:50 AM
There was a great story done on another site where the wolf played the role of hero.  I do agree with you that it would be nice having them as the hero.  Hedgehog will hang his head in shame as his last long work had a wolf in it and he wasn't a good guy, though in his defense, he was honorable.  (Does that count? --- LOL)
Title: Re: Another fanfiction idea
Post by: Oxanna on Nov 02, 2007, 10:07 AM
Heh - ja, it would count, I guess. It's so good to meet someone else who likes wolves too, in this fox-loving world ;).

Every... single... Fox... is now an _enemy_ of the Republic. My new apprentice, Darth Foxbane, will go with the 501st Brigade and finish them off once and for all...

Oh, ja, about the reason I started this topic anyhow: I've finished the story, and I want to know whether I could post it (bit by bit, allowing for crit. inbetween) or whether I should put it on my Livejournal. What would be the better idea?
Title: Re: Another fanfiction idea
Post by: Lymril on Nov 19, 2007, 08:58 PM
I don't see any reason not to post it here.  It's what this message area was for.  As for making it in installments, my question would be, how long is the story and how much text can you put into one message on this board (WyrmMaster?).
Title: Re: Another fanfiction idea
Post by: Oxanna on Nov 19, 2007, 09:18 PM
Yuh, I got a PM from WyrmMaster saying it was OK to post it, so I did (in Fanfiction Part 1: no comments please).
Also, the limit for characters is 10 000 so I had to post it in several parts.

I hope you like it (though there are a few logic errors ;)) - let me know what you think!  -_-