I mistakenly asked this question on the webcomic page as a comment (no, don't ask). Just thought it would be polite to ask permission before I upload another piece of fan 'art'. Seeing as how I've uploaded two already within the space of a day.
The image I want to upload is a fake screenshot from 'Point, Click and Conquer: Tiberian Rif'. With some nasty compression, it manages to be 125KB at 800x600.
That's small enough to upload.
Okay, thanks... so here I go on my mission to clog Wyrmkeep's server in <128KB increments ;)
_The Damsel Returns_
A news report commences. A wolf with red feathers on her head and dressed completely in black is facing the screen from behind a red and black newsdesk.
Shianna Kristos: Battle Day 3271. Good welcome, citizens. Our top story: General Gassarn's weak and impotent rule was overthrown today when forces from within the Brotherhood rose up to unite us under a new leader: Eeahnton Slavic, rescued from death by the spirit hand of Rhene, has been vindicated of all crimes against the State. He steps forward now, to lead us. Follow him as you would follow Rhene.
In a large meeting hall within the Morph Temple. Eeahnton Slavic faces a large audience of serried Morph soldiers - all Rif look-alikes - from a platform. Behind him, a large screen displays a sequence of inspiring words, like 'Brotherhood,' 'Peace,' 'Unity,' etc.
Slavic: Brotherhood, we are whole again! The sickness has been cut out!
(The audience cheers as Gassarn is brought on to the raised platform. Slavic puts a knife to Gassarn's throat.)
Slavic: In the name of Rhene!
Rif Soldiers: Rhene lives in death!
Slavic: In the name of Rhene! ...
Rif Soldiers: Rhene lives in death!
Slavic: In the name of RHENE!!
Rif Soldiers: Rhene lives in...
(Rhene appears on the screen.)
Rhene: Rhene... LIVES!
(The Rif Soldiers cheer and begin chanting slogans.)
Rhene (looks down at Gassarn): You should learn, Gassarn: you can't kill the Damsel.
(Slavic slits Gassarn's throat.)
Rhene: Brothers, my people. I have returned. Never to leave your side again.
(The Rif Soldiers fall silent.)
Rhene: B.D.I.* sought to destroy me, but they have only made me stronger. Today, we march forth into the Wild Lands, a stronger people! A divine people! The time has come to claim this island as our own! The time has come to destroy B.D.I.! One Heart, One Mind!
Rif Soldiers: The Technology of Orbs!
Rhene: Peace through Power!
Slavic and the Rif Soldiers: Peace through Power! Peace through Power! (repeatedly)
> Cue music: "Act on Instinct"
* = 'B.D.I.' is the Boar Defense Initiative. Lame, but all I could think of
Note: you must be a registered user and logged on to view the image below. Don't know why it works like this...
Just for comparison: the parallel cutscenes from Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun. Hope this is fair use...
(During a news report as part of an extended cutscene.) A blonde woman dressed completely in black is facing the screen from behind a red and black newsdesk.
Oxanna Kristos: In other news, General Hassan's weak and impotent rule was overthrown today when forces from within the Brotherhood rose up to unite us under a new leader: Anton Slavic, rescued from death by the spirit hand of Kane, has been vindicated of all crimes against the State. He steps forward now, to lead us. Follow him as you would follow Kane.
NEXT CUTSCENE - In a large meeting hall within the Nod Temple, Anton Slavic faces a large audience of serried Nod soldiers from a platform. Behind him, a large screen displays a sequence of inspiring words, like 'Brotherhood,' 'Peace,' 'Unity,' etc.
Slavic: Brotherhood, we are whole again! The sickness has been cut out!
(The audience cheers as Hassan is brought on to the raised platform. Slavic puts a knife to Hassan's throat.)
Slavic: In the name of Kane!
Nod Soldiers: Kane lives in death!
Slavic: In the name of Kane! ...
Nod Soldiers: Kane lives in death!
Slavic: In the name of KANE!
Nod Soldiers: Kane lives in...
(Kane appears on the screen.)
Kane: Kane ... LIVES!
(The Nod Soldiers cheer and begin chanting slogans.)
Kane (looks down at Hassan): You should learn, Hassan: you can't kill the messiah. [- not sure if these are the exact same words]
(Slavic slits Hassan's throat.)
Kane: Brothers, my people. I have returned. Never to leave your side again.
(The Nod Soldiers fall silent.)
Kane: G.D.I. sought to destroy me, but they have only made me stronger. Today, we march forth into our future, a stronger people! A divine people! The time has come to claim this world as our own! The time has come to destroy G.D.I.! One Vision, One Purpose!
Nod Soldiers: The Technology of Peace!
Kane: Peace through Power!
Slavic and the Nod Soldiers: Peace through Power! Peace through Power! (repeatedly)
...pretty haunting actually ;)
Pretty wild! Creepy scary too. In some alternate universe, a mighty morph empire grows...
Originally it was about the edited game screenshot... but then I decided it needed some text to go with it, and wrote the script. I myself am shocked to find that Morphs can be so evil... ;)