Just a miscellaneous tip for figuring out the mazes. I'm posting it because I spent the better part of six hours being stuck in THAT maze ;)
This is just a method, not a 'solution'.
Okay,... in the first two mazes, you will have a bird's-eye view. These are simple mazes to map, and shouldn't take you too long.
But after this is a 3D maze. Mapping it requires that you keep your head at all times, don't get comfortable and let down your guard, because that's when you map a right turn where there's a left turn, and suddenly your map is useless. Kind of makes me wonder at all the long hours spent on building it, must have been quite something...
Every time you enter a new passage, map it before continuing. For instance, if you reach a T-junction, map it as a T-shaped section in your map. Make a dot at the ends of each line segment to represent where the active points are - i.e., the points which will make Rif follow the appropriate passage. Make special note of distinctive landmarks like rooms or dead ends. Remember that your map will not make sense geometrically (reminds me of those old text-based adventure games!), probably because passages go over/under each other, so use different colours.
If you run out of space (this is likely,) then move the endpoint of the most recent passage to another sheet of paper or a blank area on your current paper by using a dashed line. That way you don't have to continually redraw the whole thing.
If you're like me, you will map a specific turn or junction incorrectly, and everything will go up in smoke. Don't lose heart, but keep mapping. Look for recurring patterns, then redraw the map and try to integrate the pieces that you've mapped many times, into one. Sometimes this will be surprisingly easy.
Finally, and this is applicable throughout the game, SAVE OFTEN. In the maze: save at the start of the maze, and every time you enter a room - it may be important, even if at first sight the room may seem to be yawn-inducing.
And now, as they say, "ek sal hierby volstaan" before I accidentally reveal something important. Oops, that kinda gave it away, didn't it? ;)
We're sorry about all the useless room in the mazes. Really we are...
Rif: Yeah, that's a good story. I think you just can't bear to let a great puzzle-solver like me out of your castle.
Developers: We had nothing to do with it...
Rif: Well for all the good I'm doing in this maze, I might as well be encased in carbonite!
No, I really liked the maze. Had to switch off the music after a while though, or I'd go slowly insane... ;)
I had to make maps for the two (or is it three?) 3d mazes too. xD I started out thinking I could figure them out without maps, but eventually decided to.
I made my map a bit differently though. I made a dot for every step of the maze with arrows pointing out of the dot if it was an intersection, depicting where the intersection could go. Once I came back to an intersection with unexplored routes, I'd continue dotting and connecting those dots with lines as I went.
Once I had a place fully mapped out, I found that I could actually get an idea in my head of where I was going.
No need to apologize for the 3D mazes guys. xD I think they were rather ahead of their time for being implemented in what was originally a DOS game.
Well even with a map I had Rif chasing his own tail for hours :)
Good idea WolfieInu! And don't apologize WyrmMaster, the mazes were amaizng at their time! Especially the 'perspective changes" in the Dog Castle (What I mean is you take a left at a T, but if you go back the T has changed it's angle, amazing!) Soon, I'll be making some maps (Profesional Looking Ones!) and will post them on a new thread. Look out for them!! ^_^ Well, see you Morphs l8r!
Marcus Wulf