I have been trying for YEARS to know what Rif's reply is. Literally, years. And I just stumbled on this forum. I got ITE from my grandfather when I was much younger, and I don't have the instruction manual. Please, PLEASE, tell me what rif's reply is!
Thank you so much, and I hope you have a wonderful day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What reply do you mean? Do you want the reply to the rat's question in the "sundial" room?
I think he's talking about the end of the game, where Rhene's sorta flirtin' with him. :rolleyes:
I think he means for the Rat in the "sundial" room. That's the only part you need the manual for.
If it IS the rats question, and you have misplaced your manual.
Play the game via ScummVM and it skips this sillynes :D
I'd just like to know: which Rat? which Sundial Room? :huh:
I've played all the parts with the Rats loads of times, all the times I played the whole thing except for the two Dog Mazes, and I've never talked to any Rat except Sist and the Doorkeeper. Yet everyone seems to know what the Rat in the Sundial Room is. Can somebody please tell me where to find him?
The sundial room was a form of copy protection in the original game, not sure about the Wyrmkeep release.
A rat in this round room asked a question relating to something in the games manual that you had to answer before you could pass.
But using scummvm to play the game defeats this protection allowing you to pass without incident.
And as for the WK edition of the game... not sure as I have not played it.
Only the New World Computing floppy release had the "questioning Rat" copy protection. I gave the ScummVM team permission to skip the copy protection when the data from the floppy version was being used (although you can turn it back on).
The sundial room is the (now) empty room Rif passes through about halfway through the Rat maze. Both entrances to the sundial room are via doors.
Below is the dialogue between Rif and the "Sundial Rat." Note that Rif is disguised as a rat at this point.
Archivist! I'm glad I ran into one of you!
I need the answer to a question...
(To himself) Oh no, he must think I belong here...
Go ahead, my good rat.
SUNDIAL RAT (All the possible questions, answers found on page 25 of the NWC version manual)
Who was the first king of the Elk Tribe?
Who is the current king of the Elk Tribe?
Who is the Captain of the Guard in the Elk Tribe?
Who won the Bravery Award in the Elk Tribe?
Who is our the new head librarian?
What is our Chief researcher's name?
Who is our master indexer?
Who won our last Historical Scholarship award?
Who is the First Chieftain of that tiresome fox Tribe?
Those silly foxes have a Chieftess! What was her name again?
Who is the current king of the Boar Tribe?
Who is the Head Chef of the Boar Tribe?
Who is the Captain of the Guard in the Boar Tribe?
Who is the Keeper of the Royal Mud in the Boar Tribe?
Who is the Chief Tinkerer in the Ferret Tribe?
Who is the current Guildmaster in the Ferret Tribe?
[Note: The answer in the manual is incorrect. The correct answer is Sakka.]
Who was the youngest Apprentice to achieve Journeyman in the Ferret Tribe?
Who discovered glassmaking in the Ferret Tribe?
Who is the Chieftess of the Northern Cat Tribes? And I don't mean that Prrowa Woman.
Who is Consort to the Chieftess of the Northern Cat Tribes?
Who is the Chieftess of the Southern Cat Tribes? And I don't mean that Prrowa Woman.
[Note: Actually, this could have been Prrowa. I guess NWC didn't want to use any game characters as answers.]
Who is Consort to the Chieftess of the Southern Cat Tribes?
(Player enters answer here)
SUNDIAL RAT (Answer correct)
Are you quite sure?
Oh, that's right...I knew that.
Good day to you.
SUNDIAL RAT (Answer incorrect)
Imposter!!! [sic]
(Placard: Rif flees before a horde of hungry rats!)