We are currently testing Inherit the Earth on Windows Vista systems, but I wanted to see what experiences our users are having playing the game on a Vista system.
Please post replies to this topic for both positive and negative experiences. Information about which kind of Vista (Home Basic, Home Premium, Business, Ultimate, etc.)
I have Windows Vista Business Edition. I haven't played ITE in a while so this seems as good an excuse as any. I'll post y system specs + play results once I have them (getting ready to go back to college and also start a new job so gimme a week or so I'd say).
Well, I'm afraid I've got bad news. The copy of ITE that I "own" is actually community property and it seems to have disappeared in my parents' office. I'll post something more useful once I have it.
I have windows Vista, the basic edition...(I think) Anyway, my game works fine, however, I do have a dosBox emulator, which essentially allows you to play games from the windows 9x days. Here is a link, if anyone wants to download it.
It runs ITE quite well, unfortunately, with my computer, the colors go nuts when I maximize it to full screen.
Well, it certainly took me longer than a week to post again and for that I apologize. The previously mentioned college/work has occupied a fair portion of my time. For this reason, I have been unable to play ITE at all. Also, Windows Vista created a great deal of problems related to both gaming and non-gaming and I have not only returned to WinXP Pro but have also decided that my next computer will be an Apple Macintosh.
Again, sorry for the delay and also sorry for my inability to provide feedback on Vista compatibility.
We've recently acquired several Windows Vista Enterprise licenses where I work, and since I'm the IT Manager, I could test it on a few editions, if you're still interested.
No one has reported any problems related to Vista, so extra testing is probably not necessary. Thanks for the offer.