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Inherit the Earth Forums => General Inherit the Earth Forum => Topic started by: Autumn on Mar 09, 2007, 11:04 PM

Title: how did they survive....?
Post by: Autumn on Mar 09, 2007, 11:04 PM
    Okay Im new to this game, and I have a question, I was looking up this game on the encyclopedia and its says one of the developers of the game said that humanity was eradicated by an airborne biological weapon. And in the opening scene of the game its says humans taught the animals how speak and stuff before the weapon fell. So how did the animals survive the weapon? Ive only played the demo so I dont know if it tells you in the full game, or is this going to be answered in the next game?
Title: Re: how did they survive....?
Post by: WyrmMaster on Mar 14, 2007, 04:01 PM
Well, the "airborne biological weapon" is not the official explanation here at Wyrmkeep Entertainment. Plot elements are not considered "canon" unless they appear in the game or the comic strip. (Parts of the hint book and the NWC manual also count.)

It's not a spoiler to say that the game does not explain the disappearance of humanity, and it is doubtful that the sequel will give a clear answer.
Title: Re: how did they survive....?
Post by: Lymril on Mar 14, 2007, 06:49 PM
Quote from: WyrmMaster on Mar 14, 2007, 04:01 PM
Well, the "airborne biological weapon" is not the official explanation here at Wyrmkeep Entertainment.

The disappearance of humankind was never unambiguously explained in the full version of the game and I seem to remember it being mentioned that even the animals didn't know what happened.  However, this is just one of many examples that illustrates the game's great subtlety.  The biological weapon is explained in the "cave art" shown during the opening scenes of the game where you'll see drawings of the microbes.

The reason the animals were not affected by the disease is because the microbes were targeted at humans and therefore incompatible with the biology of the animals.  Sure, bio-weapons could have been developed that would have affected the animals, however that would have required making specialized diseases for each and every species.  This is the reason for having so many intelligent species in the game; to make it impossible to wipe them out with a single pathogen.  Of course, the game offers only a small sampling of all the species that actually exist in the world.  If the game had been made large enough you could have met dragons, griffins, and even unicorns!

Cross-species immunity also carries over to endemic diseases such as the common cold and even STD's.  Many players of the game probably thought it was a bit strange that a member of the cat clan would invite a member of the fox clan to spend the night with her, but this is simply their form of safe sex.  By choosing partners outside of their species neither party would have to worry about what the other was carrying and both could sew their wild oats with abandon since "crop failure" was assured.

I could go on with this but I think I've given you furverts out there enough to fap about for one evening.   :wacko:
Title: Re: how did they survive....?
Post by: Amaroq Wolf on Mar 19, 2007, 07:20 AM
Muahaha! I can't think of any way to replay to that other than to chuckle. *does so*
Title: Re: how did they survive....?
Post by: Gaara on Apr 14, 2007, 09:01 PM
Well with a little luck this supposed Episodic content for the sequel might touch on the thread subject a little at least, I like games coming this way, gives the writers a chance to come up with new stuff as they go along. It IS something I would like to see explained even if only partially.
Title: Re: how did they survive....?
Post by: ITE Geek on Apr 26, 2007, 06:35 AM
Quote from: Autumn on Mar 09, 2007, 11:04 PM
    Okay Im new to this game, and I have a question, I was looking up this game on the encyclopedia and its says one of the developers of the game said that humanity was eradicated by an airborne biological weapon. And in the opening scene of the game its says humans taught the animals how speak and stuff before the weapon fell. So how did the animals survive the weapon? Ive only played the demo so I dont know if it tells you in the full game, or is this going to be answered in the next game?
The Morph, I think, have a natural resistance to any plagues such as that. I mean, take into account that the Humans gave them "The four great gifts.." AKA, they genetically engineered them from their mammalian counterparts. One could assume two things from this: One, the animals they were Morphed from had a natural resistance to this plague (as is in my fanfiction), or two; the humans introduced said resistance
Title: Re: how did they survive....?
Post by: AussieWolf on Aug 05, 2007, 09:18 AM
Or, more simply, the Morphs simply did not have the appropriate physiology to be affected by a virus/bacterium/etc.  The are enough examples of that around us to see every day (though, yes, such things can mutate to infect other species; one only has to look to the H5N1 influenzz strain for that).  We could assume that the biological entity simply didn't mutate after destroying the human race.

I'm not going to say any more, since I'm going to start stumbling into my own anthro realm which serves as the basis for one of my current works in progress :P
Title: Re: how did they survive....?
Post by: Marcus Wulf on Oct 01, 2007, 12:10 AM
Er, Lymril, Rif stayed in a GUEST TENT! But, I couldnt help but smile. Furvert. Fits me perfectly. Uh, oh. I better not start on that. No, no, this is public airways... Stop yourself... AGHG!
I agree on the theroie on the deseise. Makes a heap of sense- but, It isn't canon- only theroie. I remember the same thing like this where the creator wouldn't spill the beans. You know LucasArt's Monkey island? I spent hours annoying Ron Gilbert to tell me wat happend in between Monkey Island 2 & 3. He must have put gaff tape on his mouth! Only the sequel will tell...
Title: Re: how did they survive....?
Post by: Lymril on Oct 14, 2007, 05:32 AM
You're thinking of the Wildcat clan beyond the mountains (snow leopards, I think).  I was referring to the Fortune Teller at the faire.  She's a cat.  Or, perhaps, a cougar?  If you have the disc version of the game, listen to her voice.  She definitely sounds like an older woman.

You know what a "cougar" is, right?   :wub:
Title: Re: how did they survive....?
Post by: WyrmMaster on Oct 14, 2007, 05:07 PM
Elara mentions she is from the Wild Lands, so it would appear that both a "wildcat" and a "domestic cat" tribe exists to the north. The fortune teller may also hail from the Wild Lands.
Title: Re: how did they survive....?
Post by: Oxanna on Oct 14, 2007, 11:13 PM
My theory for the disappearance of Humans is that they wanted to return the Earth to its natural state (don't ask me why!)
So they split into two: half of them just wanted to clean up the place and then start being economical; the other half wanted to morph Humans/animals and it came to war, explaining the disappearance of the buildings and streets. The labs and the airport must have been too obscure for the enemy of the morphers to find, and the morphers were able to genetically engineer some animals in time. Who knows what's going on in the rest of the world...?
Title: Re: how did they survive....?
Post by: WolfieInu on Oct 15, 2007, 12:18 AM
I had to listen to this for hours, guys. ;)
Title: Re: how did they survive....?
Post by: Calbeck on Oct 17, 2007, 03:29 PM
Quote from: Lymril on Mar 14, 2007, 06:49 PM
  Of course, the game offers only a small sampling of all the species that actually exist in the world.  If the game had been made large enough you could have met dragons, griffins, and even unicorns!

But our Annual BBQ and Shish-Ke-Bob Festival remains closed to the general public. -:>

EDIT: Talk about a LONG delay in response! -:D