I have an idea for a fanfic, It'll be one where yours truly gets sucked into the world of Inherit the Earth. Of course I appear right near Rif while he is traveling. Later on I travel with rif and along the way explain to him all that I know about the world. I want anyone to tell me if this is a good idea. If it is why I might just get cracking on that fic.
It's not a bad idea. Though it would probably ruin alot of the Morphs' mystical views of the way the world works and take away some of the magic of it all.
Just popping up by Rif and telling him about the world wouldn't make up much of a story though. You should try to think of how to flesh it out, with perhaps a goal, some conflicts to resolve, some roadblocks that stand in your way that you must get past, etc.
The awesomeness of fanfics is that you can have them however you want regardless of what other people think. It's not an awesome idea, but it's not a bad idea either, like I said. If you pour some creative energy into it, you can make it awesome though, I'm sure. Sit and daydream a while. Let some ideas run through your head about where you might take this story if you were to start it.
You have the "bare bones" of an idea. Now its time to flesh it out. First thing I would do is answer a few questions and don't be inflexable on your answers. I'll offer a few hints of my own.
1 --- How do you get into his world? (science experiment go wrong --- you didn't do it)
2 --- Did the Morphs do it? (somebody touched something they shouldn't)
3 --- Was the transfer deliberate on the part of the human. (wrong place, wrong time)
4 --- How will the human get back? (How do the characters "know" this?)
5 --- Why would the human trust Rif? (needs a period of adjustment -- by both characters)
6 --- Point of conflict. (Where and with whom?)
7 --- Step by step progression (use a bloody outline, twit. I learned its value the hard way.)
8 --- Can you add any sidestories? (Adds flavor and could be helpful to the storyline)
9 --- Perspective. (First person -- Rif or human, third omnipotent, third imperfect)
I do admit a personal bias regarding the "popping up next to Rif" idea. Don't think a sudden "guess who dropped by for dinner" approach is the best. You might have the human character "pop up," but suggest somewhere near Rif. (human comes onto this world at night, sees a campfire and approaches.) Did you consider language? (fun trying to communicate, especially since many animals express emotions via body movement. Makes the human less "readable" by Rif.)
Would be interesting seeing where such an encounter leads.
To answer you questions. The human will be transported there as an unseen and accidental consequence of a scientific research project occurring nearby his home. At first the human is teleported to where he thinks is just wilderness but after 2 days of searching he finds the smoke of a campfire where he meets the three heroes (Rif, Okk and Eeah) their first meeting doesn't go well because of some misunderstanding but after the human explains himself they start to trust him a tiny bit.
*chuckles* It's gonna turn the morphs' world upside down to have a human in it. And they're gonna be asking him a million questions he won't be able to answer. (How did you create us, and why? Where did you disappear to all this time?)
The story, I presume, will thus be taking part during the Quest for the Orb..? (Stupid question, I guess -_-)
The idea seems really good. Yup, I pity the poor human on account of all the questions he'll get asked. I guess if it 'really' happened, Morph from Inherit the Media, The Rat Record, Forest Herald and all the newspapers I delight in making up names for would be rushing over with all the scraps of paper and pens they could find and murdering each other just to get the story first. (My bet's with the Boar Sun)