Hello all. :) I have heard a lot of members here regarding the idea of an ITE sequel. Also, a topic was posted a while back that suggested the idea of an ITE novel. I have a few pages written of just such an endeavor. If anyone is interested, please post. I don't want to waste anyone's time by writing something that will not be viewed.
-Thanks for the consideration :D
Quote from: ITE Geek on Feb 01, 2007, 09:29 AM
I don't want to waste anyone's time by writing something that will not be viewed.
-Thanks for the consideration :D
I've written thousands of pages of stuff that will never be viewed. I write because it pleases me to do so. Go ahead and post a few pages and see if anyone reads it. If it doesn't come off just add a bunch of gratuitous sex and submit it to a furry fanzine.
Nice, Lymril. Thanks, I'll consider it. I just didn't know if it would do anything to the servers capacity, and I didn't want to waste the WyrmMaster's time trying to reduce clutter if his server got overcrowded.
Sure, I'm intrested. It would be gr8 to read an ITE novel! Oh, and Lymril, I agree on your "advice".
I wrote a fan-fic once before- no one was interested, so I added heaps o' adult content- views were off the scale! But, I think these forums are too packed full of squirts for the WyrmMaster allow that sort of "thing". But, ITE Geek, I'd ^_^ to see a ITE novel! Hope it hapenz