The Wyrmkeep Entertainment Co. Forum

The Labyrinth of Time Forums => General The Labyrinth of Time Forum => Topic started by: ShadowMan on Nov 21, 2006, 02:06 PM

Title: LoT title font
Post by: ShadowMan on Nov 21, 2006, 02:06 PM
Out of curiosity/I like the font and want to use it for something, what's the font used on Labyrinth of Time's logo? Or is it a custom-made thing?
Title: Re: LoT title font
Post by: WyrmMaster on Nov 21, 2006, 04:50 PM
I believe the logo is a custom graphic -- no font was used to generate it. The Labyrinth of Time hint book uses a font similar to the style of the logo named Tonic Nerve (

I will double-check with Brad about the logo.