Hello everyone. I was just playing on my Nintendo DS and listening to the Inherit the Earth soundtrack when an idea struck me. Inherit the Earth is mainly based on clicking the options on the bottom half of the screen whereas the top half shows what is going on. It suddenly hit me how well this would work on the DS in particular thanks to the touch screen on the bottom.
However, I know that The Wyrmkeep is a small company and there are several factors that would sadly stop this being feasable. For a start, it would be expensive as Nintendo is a huge company and the DS is a multi-million unit selling console. Then there's trying to get Nintendo to listen to the idea as they would be interested in the biggest developers with the most amount of money. As well as this, the game might not appeal to the mass market and might need additions and/or changes.
It is indeed a pity as I'd love a portable version of it but hey, just wanted to put this idea down in writing and see what you guys thought of it.
Guess you don't have much to say. Oh well...
The idea is good, but well, who can pay that? :rolleyes:
It would be worth a try, but means even more work - with a possible success. Maybe our leader here will find the post one day ;)
Any console version is highly unlikely. ScummVM can be used to play the game on a few consoles.
Well, the console idea may be a good one, but I doubt Nintendo would be willing to front any sort of cost for a game such as this. I mean, look at Starfox. Good idea, but it went down the tubes. Anyway, Nintendo would probably make Dreamer's Guild pay most of the cost, which they simply cannot do.
Yeah, It WOULD be cool, but ScummVM DS will support the game (I hope...). Star Fox DS ONLY went down the tubes cause the charactors were UGLY and All-Range mode forever drives u nuts!
PS: Hey Rik McCloud- you ARE a Star Fox fan (The name is obvious!)!!! Finally SOMEBODY! ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ Im a HUGE fan as well (I have all the games!!!)!!! Anywhowz, buh bye! :rolleyes: ^_^
YEAH! The latest Nintendo DS ScummVM build supports Inherit the Earth -bounces off walls- Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Now I have ITE in my pocket! ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ To have this luxery, you need:
-A Nintendo DS
-A copy of Inherit the Earth (Doesn't matter weather it's the new cd or old floppy)
-A Nintendo DS Flash Card. (I reccomend a R4DS or M3 Simpaly, Google them)
-A SD Card (SD, MiniSD, MicroSD, depending on your flash card, and about a 1gb or two for the CD versions)
-ScummVM DS (www.scummvm.org) (Go to Downloads page and click on ScummVM DS in the new versions section)
-A big idiot grin, 50 cans of Pepsi and an ITE tee-shirt on
Set it all up in the instructions in the ScummVM DS Zip.
Came as quick as I could.... Pufff, pufffff, ergggh, -faints- -gets back up- Sorry, bye now! -Runs off to play ITE on his DS-
(Tapping fingers together) Excellent!
YEAH! Sure iz! The only down sides are:
-Music (Especally Adlib) is slightly different due to the DS's sound hardware.
-The game is a little slow (Maybe this will be fixed in the future ScummVM DS releases...)
Apart from that, for those people who are so obsesed with ITE & couldn't care about technical issues, then you'll probably have a lot of fun with this.
Good sides:
-The low resolution VGA graphics look fantastic on the DS
-You can play ITE whenever you want, where ever you want
-Simply closing the DS up pauses the game
-Using the touch screen is an awful lot easier than using a mouse (you'll see!)
Maybe soon i'll record a video or post a picture of ITE in action on the DS.
Awesome stuff. Well done!