The Wyrmkeep Entertainment Co. Forum

Inherit the Earth Forums => General Inherit the Earth Forum => Topic started by: JSM3050 on Apr 10, 2006, 10:57 AM

Title: Official ITE Soundtrack
Post by: JSM3050 on Apr 10, 2006, 10:57 AM
Are the tracks on the soundtrack CD the original MIDI sounds or are they new ones released in version 1.2?
Title: Official ITE Soundtrack
Post by: FallenWolf on Apr 10, 2006, 02:04 PM
Hmm as far as i heard in the preview they are the old one midis, but sound a little strange... ;) my moblie phone plays the tunes excellently B)  
Title: Official ITE Soundtrack
Post by: JSM3050 on Apr 10, 2006, 09:13 PM
The soundtrack was released before the patch was ready so I'm wondering if the soundtrack was updated as well?
Title: Official ITE Soundtrack
Post by: WyrmMaster on Apr 11, 2006, 06:21 AM
The soundtrack CD contains newly recorded versions of the original scores played on the "target" instrument, a Roland MT-32. Some of the songs have had a bar or two added so they end cleanly. Also, one new track was written by the original composer -- a jazzy take on the Boar theme.