I only wanna to know, are you working (or is it planned) on a second part of ITE ?
Would be really great if you are (or planning this)!! :)
We're still in the planning stage of the sequel. The design document should be finished early next year. Then we'll see where things lead.
Will it be in 3D, or in the same look like the Original game from 1994 ?
Will or is a German speech version planned (would be cool)?
Is the main Character Rif ?
Will the soundtrack be Midi music or real Music (Orchestral)?
I know it seems kind of silly for me to say this here but if you ever need a concept artist I would absolutly love to help out. April Lee's beautiful art in the old instruction booklet had a huge influence on how I drew furries back in 1996 before I knew what "furry" even was...
Here is some of my art if you are curious...
http://www.anaria.net/anthro.html (http://www.anaria.net/anthro.html)
3D: yes and no (sorry, can explain it more right now)
Languages: To be determined
Main character: Players will play their own avatar that will be accompanied by different characters during the game. We expect that Rif, Rhene, Okk, Eeah and some others will appear as "companions".
Music: Digital audio (aka real music).
QuoteI know it seems kind of silly for me to say this here but if you ever need a concept artist I would absolutly love to help out. April Lee's beautiful art in the old instruction booklet had a huge influence on how I drew furries back in 1996 before I knew what "furry" even was...
Here is some of my art if you are curious...
http://www.anaria.net/anthro.html (http://www.anaria.net/anthro.html)
We will add you to our list of concept artists to consider.
QuoteQuoteWe will add you to our list of concept artists to consider.
Thank you! ^_^
In the meantime I should draw some fan art.
QuoteThank you! ^_^
In the meantime I should draw some fan art.
Yes, you should. :D
Here I am searching and searching until I come across a site that is active on a fur based game (after playing the demo) I found to be very interesting.
I am too eager for my "inherit the earth" game to come in the mail so I can play it.
I must emit that I though their was no game out their the truly stays true to the furrie universe but I guess I was proved wrong.
Anyway As for my question on Inherit the earth 2, is it too early to ask if about what is the story of the inherit the earth 2 this time around? How long in the future (or maybe the past) will this take place?
Just wondering.
I hope the sequel will be in the same style made like the Original (Sure with modern graphics)!
You said "3D: yes and no!", will the sequel have a graphical look like "Warcraft III" (2D and 3D mixed together)?
Are you planning to port the game (after it´s done) to platforms like the Pegasos with MorphOS as operating system, or other platforms and operating systems ?
A german speech version would be really nice !
What kind of publicity is planned for the sequel, can you tell something about that ?
I'd almost like to see the second one done in the style of Myst crossed with a first-person shooter (meaning a first-person view but the environment isn't static like Myst).
I think that it would make a much more immersive setting seeing it through the eyes of your character.
mmh,.. a switch between different views would be great for that (everyone could play with the view he likes). I personally like the view style of ITE (and I would use this one)!
Or a mix of different views (this kind of system is used in ITE, I think :huh: ), but now a first person view could used for to find/search things, fighting against enemys, ..... ! :)
But too much views can be bad too :blink: !
I hope the game would be made in the style of ITE and nothing would be changed into an anime like style (characters, images of them (like the emotion Images from ITE), ... (normal anime or the extrem ones with too big heads and smaller bodys than them)!
Are you making new sprites (with higher resolution) for the sequel or are you going use the original ones ?
Can you built (if the planning is ready for the graphical part) a picture (use some stuff from other games and mix it) to get only an idea how the game might be look like ?
Will the sequel be an Adventure or an Adventure with action parts like fights, ... ?
Could you please make a (or some) ITE Wallpaper(s) !?
There is a wallpaper available here:
http://www.inherittheearth.net/donate.html (http://www.inherittheearth.net/donate.html)
BTW, the comic strip artist gets the largest portion of the tips.
I was just thinking, that the orb aint destroyed at the end of ITE.
So just to say it was found. A year after it was lost over the dam an Otter named Irvia, of the Circlelake tribe sets out on his 13th birthday on his test, just to say that in his tribe when a child reaches the aforesaid age he must travel out of the village and com back with a wonder and his place in the village rests on the wonder of the wonder.
and just say that the Tribe of Circlelake lived in a small village across the lake from the dam. Now when most boys reach this age they simply dive into the lake and return with old relics of humanity, some cross the mountains or the dam and return with items from the overruins [the airport.], most of these items are such as plastic containers or old photographs or other such items.
Now Irvia aint so much of a swimmer and so he takes his fathers fishing boat and sets off towards the dam, that night after crossing the dam he sits down beside an old abandoned road and prepares for camp when he decides that fish would make a good dinner, as he readies himself to catch a fish he slips face down into the stream and as he glances up the light catches something under the rock! and the young otter reaches in and pulls out the Orb of Storms. Now young Irvia is beside himself, only a day out and he finds this shiny orb, of corse the orb has shut itself down due to inactivity over a prolonged time period and so he takes his wonder back to the village.
the Keeper of Wonders is so pleased at the wonder that he designates or irvia to head immediately into training to be his heir. and places the Orb in the place beside a solar powered radio [it only emits the fuzzing of a lost signal, but it lights up too.] that was the wonder which placed him as the Keeper of the Wonders.
And yes I know the word Wonder is used far too much, but this is a special village with a long running tradition. [His father found a plastic lunch box lid, which being neither useful nor shiny got him the job as fisherman.][most people just come back with spoons or crisp packets.]
The Keeper is a sort of chieftain as he conducts all ceremonies and gets a special robe and gets to live in the big house, but as its only a small village on important decisions they will always look to whoever they thinking is the cleverest of the lot weither hes a builder or a sweeper. the Hall of Wonders is one of the oldest of the buildings in the village although it has been extended so many times it no longer bears any resemblance to the original structure, As every child has to collect an item to become an adult the place is full of selves and cabinets where the wonders are kept on show. The Hall is built of wood and sits on a slight rise near the lakeside,
The village itself is comprised on single story [and in some cases single roomed.] wooden houses and stretches along the stony beach from the Hall to the school. Smaller than the Ferrets village yet larger than the cats. The village survives in peaceful isolatation from the rest of the island and most inhabitants will only leave it for their test.
That was all backstory and descriptions, heres the idea, The protagonist is a young otter [or maybe not, this village might be integrated. in which case just use the heritage as an idea of time.] who is about to take his own test, His grandfather was Irvia, his father a toymaker [who specialized in puzzles.] and his mother a caretaker at the hall. As he prepares to take his test, and he is the only one to take the test this season, the Orb forecasts the weather to his mother. In the discussions with the Orb it is reveled that last time is was operated was to the south at a certain number of numbers, not trusting the word of a sphere the Keeper takes the orb down to Davin, the carpenter, to ask for advice on the subject, he then calls the village counsil who decied that in order to learn more about this wonder you will have to special test, Not to find a wonder, but to find what a wonder is. And so you set out from the friendly village into the unknown in search of answers.
Inevitably to come across friends who would travel with you and discover puzzles that require solving and people who need help. An so an Adventure ensues.
its just an idea and I bet your got a better one.
and then no worries, aminly i wrote as i remember thinking it as i watched the credits, so maybe i missed out the important bits or it doesnt work. but no worries.
thank you for reading it.
Can you say something about the controls of the sequel (I hope that nothing will be changed too much) !?
Who is/will do(ing) the biggest part of the ingame graphics (are there enough ones)?
I really hope the sequel will be done/finished ! I don´t know if you can tell how many time you need with your team to do this ? :)
Sorry for the many questions! :D I really hope the sequel will be cool ! :)
Some parts of the sequel will be similar to the original, but other will be significantly different. There will be more play modes in the sequel.
We're just starting to ramp-up the staff, so I can't answer your question about artists.
That sounds good ! :) What do you mean with more play modes ? :unsure:
mmmmh.. , whats about the intro, have you any ideas for that this time(I know that its to early for asking that) ?
There are three good kinds you can use for the intro (I´m sure you know them): 3D Animation , 2D Animation (Movie like, in a good quality, look at the intro of the Sega game "Sonic CD", a quality like that (Ok, that intro is Anime, but I mean only the Quality)) and Ingame (the easyest one, but if you make special sprites only for the intro (take a look at the ending sequence of ITE, Rif and Rhene, something like that, only better, and with more moves) you can pitch up the quality of this sprites and make the intro a little bit better)!
That are only ideas, but a intro animation with speech, music, nicely drawn backgrounds and high quality animation, sounds interesting, or what do you think ?
I personally don´t like 3D intro´s, but It would be interesting to see how the ITE world and the characters might be look like ! :huh: :)
I'm impressed and very happy that a sequel is possible!
The first time I played that game I was very young, and you know that things you know since childhood seems somewhat special.
The idea of the sequel itself seems enough to me be happy. :lol:
(Finding it being sold again too)
(Tobibrocki, I'm not saying that your ideas are bad, ok? Keep up)
Ok, that ideas I had for the Intro are not really cheap (if you´re looking at the money) and I´m sure they (some of them, not all) will be only ideas!
But how could the Intro for the sequel might look like (ingame, Animation,...???)!?
I know, its really early to ask that, but, have you thought about that and get some own ideas?
I hope the Intro and Ending-sequences of the sequel will be pretty, too (thats why I post this Ideas above)!?
Is the story done and ready for the next step? :huh:
I just want to ask that if you need concept artists for work, I am volunteering. I don't really have a portfolio to show you, but I have a website with some of my stuff that I did about 2 years ago, and I have only improved:
http://shyshadow.deviantart.com (http://shyshadow.deviantart.com)
Just click on the Deviation Gallery and what not to see all that I have submitted.
Just to put it out there. I think it would be fun to do, and wouldn't ask for any money made off of the game when it is created and sold.
I'm rather excited about the idea of a sequel. I recently finished ITE, and am pleased, but....I want MORE!!! (btw, is anyone going to set the date to end the dry period?) But, as graphics are concerned....I have an idea of what it could look like...I'm not sure if that's how it will be, but 3d rendered characters and animations on 3d rendered backgrounds...not exactly a 3d game, but 3d graphics with the same view as before. Or... hand-drawn characters would also look fine if made to blend with the rest of the graphics fluidly. After playing the first game, I would definatly want more voice-overs, better graphics, more puzzles, a longer game perhaps? Also, the original was a straight-forward (point and click) adventure... perhaps some RPG elements could be implemented. Such as weapons, fights (other than cutscenes), and diversions/ways to make and spend money.
This has got me incredibly excited ^^ I'm already adding this to my list of games I want.
Quote from: WyrmMaster on Jan 07, 2006, 04:48 PM
3D: yes and no (sorry, can explain it more right now)
Languages: To be determined
Main character: Players will play their own avatar that will be accompanied by different characters during the game. We expect that Rif, Rhene, Okk, Eeah and some others will appear as "companions".
Music: Digital audio (aka real music).
Sounds like Ecco the dolphin 2, heh heh. Hi all! Loved the game! Looking forward to a sequel. I'd love to hear any more of what is planned. And yeah, fights and money would be cool, like Knux mentioned. More like a traditional RPG game, like the Final Fantasy series. But with Morphs, so it's better.
Anyways, if it ends up even half as good as the first game, it's still ten times as good as any other game I've played, so I'm looking forward to a new one!
Well, i'm still waiting for any official and actual status statement of the sequel.
This game has changed my life in a very special way, and well, i think a sequel would still have to contain the same basics as the original game.
The worst case would of cause be, that the project gets cancelled at all... we have to avoid this on all costs! ;)
I can't wait to just get some early screens or concepts even to get an idea of what the game will look like.
I, for one, would certainly love to help out on this. :ph34r:
Mmmmh, could the sequel contain a multiplayer? (you can play the game with a buddy) Or a MMorpg multiplayer, this would be really cool!!! Think about it, you can create your own avatar and play in a world full of interresting things and this! AND this could be the forst completly Furry ONLY MMORPG! ;) I like the Idea, and it must not have the big 3D hyper gfx known from other games, look at Ragnarok Online and this ones! Its only an Idea, but you all see that Online role playing games are ver popular! So! :)
Heya. I have recently beaten ITE and have to say it was a rather fun and interesting experience.. Not only that, but I am very happy to hear that a sequel is in progress and would love to donate to your efforts if at all possible.. Should I just donate through the comic strip's paypal, or is there another way perhaps?
We don't have any donation system for the sequel. I guess that's something to think about.
A donation (http://www.inherittheearth.net/donate.html) on the comic strip site is the only option right now, although that mainly goes to help defray the costs of producing the strip.
Well you honestly should because I would love to help you guys out by lending you some extra money ^_^
So what's the status on the sequel? Is there still going to be one? (here's hoping) Thanks.
Yes. We hope to have an official announcement in mid-January, maybe during Further Confusion (http://www.furtherconfusion.org).
I know things have been a bit hectic around the Keep but is there any more news to share?
Soon, Grasshopper.
Well, FC is this weekend. I won't be there, since I live in Chicago, but I will be going to a mini-con setup by the great coordinators at LAFF. I'm looking forward to hearing word on a release. I'm still a bit confused about the overall appearance of the game... So, ...well, I'd like to see some mock or functional screens...whichever comes first... Well, if there are actual screens, I'd presume they wouldn't be followed by mock ones. However, I'm just very eager to see another fine game of the likes of ITE to come to my lonesome pc. Anyway, any news, please tell!
Hello, all. :) I've been following this forum for a while now, and recently decided to register. I am ecstatic at the prospect of an ITE sequel! I found the game in a discount store, and was instantly hooked. However, I did think that the game ended with a cliffhanger. Now I know that that's because you were planning sequels. To make a long story short, I have been writing various versions of my own sequel as a novel, and if you're looking for a script, I would be glad to help.
We were going to have an announcement at Further Confusion, but we were unable to get all our ducks in a row in time. We need to get a web site set-up, send out proper press releases, spit out a new newsletter, etc. Maybe March.
Brought to you by the letter P... as in Procrastinate.
Quote from: WyrmMaster on Dec 16, 2006, 03:58 PM
Yes. We hope to have an official announcement in mid-January, maybe during Further Confusion (http://www.furtherconfusion.org).
Sorry I couldn't be there. Anyway, what's the latest? We, your loyal fans, have been waiting for the next installment for over ten years.
So, is it because of lack of funds that the original ITE went the way of the dodo?
Greetings. I came across a wikipedia entry on Inherit the Earth yesterday, and through that I found this site. I've just played the demo yesterday, and when I get paid this friday I'm gonna be getting the game.
Seeing this info about a second possible game has excited me. Which is cool, because I haven't even played the full game yet and I already love it.
I would love to help, but I'm no artist. Fortunately, there seems to be an abundance of artists just eager to help, so my lack of artistic-ness doesn't matter. :P I do, however, have experience in web languages. I know xhtml, css, php, and some javascript, so if you need a website for ITE2, I can help. And setting up a donation for it wouldn't be too difficult. Just get a paypal account. They can give you code for a button to put right on your site that people can use to pay. And you can deposit/withdrawl money to/from your paypal to/from your bank account.
About the game being an MMO, there is actually already a furry MMO. Furcadia. It's a MMOSG though, so technically I don't think there's a furry MMORPG yet.
While I'd love love to see a multiplayer or massively multiplayer ITE, or even an ITE where you can fight (I dunno if you can in the first one, I've only played the demo), I also think that the first in the series has a formula that works. They should try not to deviate from that anymore than they have to when making the next one. I like the charm and magic that this first one has (from what I've seen), and I'd hate to see that change in the second one. Fighting, for example, might take away from the nice-ness that we've come to see in the game. Or what I've seen in the demo anyway. A multiplayer mode... it'd be great, but what can you really do in multiplayer in an adventure game that would really set a multiplayer mode apart and make it worth implementing? And if there were fighting, it'd be kind of bland to just have basically either people with swords or people with bows. Magic could spice it up, but that would get too far away from the norm for this series.
I think that ITE2 should try to stay true to the first ITE. After Inherit the Earth 2, perhaps a MMO could be made as a sequel to that. It could be called Inherit the Net, and then a massively multiplayer thing could be put into place. Perhaps the massively multiplayer aspect could have different tribes, with actual players making up those tribes.
About the avatar you'll get in ITE2, will you get to customise their species, looks, clothes colors, etc? And I'm also curious about another thing. What language is the first one written in? What language will the second one be written in? I don't mean as in terms of english, etc, but rather in terms of programming languages.
Quote from: Amaroq Wolf on Feb 06, 2007, 09:06 PM
About the avatar you'll get in ITE2, will you get to customise their species, looks, clothes colors, etc?
I was curious about the new avatars myself. You said it would be in 3D, but I hope you don't mean something akin to the Khajiit in Morrowind, or worse, Oblivion. I liked the avatars you had in the first version. It was amazing what you accomplished in spite of the horrendously low resolution.
Well, if it's gonna be 2D and 3D, perhaps that means that the 3D is going to be an illusion accomplished with amazingly detailed sprites. Like the Donkey Kong games for Super Nintendo.
It was typical of the time to have that kind of pixellated shading...it was actually done quite well in other games, too, such as Mecc's Museum Madness, and a game called Lost Eden. I'm not sure what the actual technique is called, but yeah, Lymril, it created amazing displays, despite the graphics at the time.
I'm not sure what the actual technique is called
It's called "dithering."
I hate to be a pest, but...any news on ITE 2?
Quote from: littleskitterbug on Mar 14, 2007, 05:34 PM
I hate to be a pest, but...any news on ITE 2?
I don't mind being a pest.
Quote from: WyrmMaster on Jan 31, 2007, 01:09 AM
We need to get a web site set-up, send out proper press releases, spit out a new newsletter, etc. Maybe March.
Hey, WyrmMaster! It's the middle of March!
Beware the ides!
Oh, a few weeks ago, I got it, and beat it in like, two or three days. I loved it! The only thing I regret is that the ending came so abrubtly, and that Shiala didn't join your party. T_T
Yes, it was terribly short. From what I've read by one of the original creaters there was supposed to be a lot more to the game but the beancounters and business majors got control of the project and pretty much tore the heart out of it. I hope this doesn't happen with the second part, assuming it's ever made at all.
Um, WyrmMaster? Are you there?
They should be given the chance to finish it how they originally wanted to. Like, via donations or something.
They could always make an Inherit the Earth: Uncut if they wanted to. Re-make the original game (updating the music, graphics, etc.) and add in all the content that got axed. In fact, I'd almost be more interested in seeing a project like that before an Inherit the Earth 2.
I would love to see the first ITE redone as it was originally intended, (much larger and more adult-oriented) but lord knows what the production costs would be. Donations? I don't see a lot of activity on these boards so I doubt that the donations would amount to more than a few drops in the bucket. There are a number of financially successful furs out there who will pay thousands for artwork that tickles their fancies but I wonder how many of them would be willing to donate money to a game over which they have no control.
One thing is for certain, though: If Wyrmkeep were to actually release such a game there is a sizable furry fanbase out there just waiting to get their sticky little paws on it. But I have a couple of important suggestions:
- First, make an optional "gay" setting so that Riff has a boyfriend and his two companions fall in love with each other during the game.
- Second, release it in November so that all the unemployed 35-year-old furs who still live in their parents' basements can ask Mom and Dad to get it for them for Christmas.
Both of these should increase sales substantially.
Quote from: JSM3050 on Mar 20, 2007, 01:58 PM
They could always make an Inherit the Earth: Uncut if they wanted to. Re-make the original game (updating the music, graphics, etc.) and add in all the content that got axed. In fact, I'd almost be more interested in seeing a project like that before an Inherit the Earth 2.
I believe the music is already updated, and I'm okay with having the graphics the way they are. It is, after all, a classic game. Graphics updates can be implemented in future games.
And... lmfao Lymril. Perhaps the gay thing can be an easter egg. An unlockable. Either by adding a -gay flag to the program when running it on a command line or terminal, or by some action or other that nobody would do in a million years unless they looked it up online. Word of the easter egg would spread by mouth amongst those who are dedicated to the game and/or gay enough to know/care about it, while leaving those who are straight and/or not too into it to go on unaffected by the knowledge of such a choice. And if you're concerned about sales, bring it along to every con you can. Can't go yourself? Get someone else who is. Set up booths to advertise/sell it and/or ask for donations for it's further development.
I'm beginning to wonder whether you simply enjoy using furry stereotypes in friendly jest, or actually enjoy teasing us. :P Not that the possibility of a "gay" ITE is a tease to me, of course, as there is at least that one furry stereotype that does not fit me. ;)
Quote from: Amaroq Wolf on Mar 21, 2007, 08:50 AM
I'm beginning to wonder whether you simply enjoy using furry stereotypes in friendly jest, or actually enjoy teasing us. :P Not that the possibility of a "gay" ITE is a tease to me, of course, as there is at least that one furry stereotype that does not fit me. ;)
I've been involved with YiffNet/FurNet for over a decade so I can safely say that I'm as furry as furs come. I'm not gay myself and I'm not bothered by those who are, though I do find it amusing that the fandom seems to be predominantly gay. What DOES annoy me is that I used to be able to tell people in RL that I liked Disney cartoons and would occasionally meet someone who liked "Robin Hood" as much as I did. These days, however, thanks to the bazaar behavior of certain individuals and the media's insistence on drawing the world's attention to them, I find it best to keep my furriness to myself. I don't need people wondering if they should hide the kids and the pets whenever they see me coming. So no, I'm not giving furs a bad time because I don't like furs. I just like to poke fun at certain aspects of the fandom while throwing barbed comments at others.
I knew you were just poking friendly fun. I just got this teasing vibe from it. Teasing in a good way. So I figured I'd tease back a bit, throwing in the fact that I'm not gay as well to anyone who reads closely enough. xP Nor am I bothered by gay people either. I actually feel comfortable around them, and even trusting enough to share a hotel room with two of them at the con I went to.
I think that whatever biological thing makes us more likely to be gay also makes us more likely to have such an affinity for animals. Or so I heard, somewhere.
Even without the persecution that the few crazy furs have earned for the rest of the community, I'd feel too embarrassed to tell people about it anyway. Just, something of a ' they wouldn't understand/care' type of a thing. Luckily though, I've got a clean slate around where I live for the most part, as in most people around here have never heard of a furry in their lives. So if by chance I do find myself revealing what a furry is to someone, I have the benefit of being able to tell them what it's really like. (In fact, when I went to MFF '06, my first and only con so far, my mom told me to have fun at the "fuzzy convention".) In fact, my co-workers know I went to a furry convention in November (MFF), and that the people there love animals and animal characters so much, alot of them dress up in animal costumes. :P I figured I'd keep my explanation simple.
I always tell people that furries are similar to Sonic the Hedgehog: humanoid animals that talk. Nobody gives me strange looks after that (especially since it's bleedin' obvious I'm an Anime fan, too). ^_^
So...back to the topic at hand. I'm back to whine. :-/ (Sorry. I just got so excited when I heard about this game because I'm an adventure game buff and ITE is perhaps one of my favorites of all time and so my curiousity about the sequel is pretty intense.) Even if you don't have all your ducks in a row yet, could you maybe tell us how many ducks you have so far? Maybe how far along this duck-arranging is? Whether or not this duck-row might at some point assemble, that sort of thing. You don't even have to give a timeline. Honestly, in my opinion, a vague response would be fine at this point. So...please?
Still waiting...
Our plans for Inherit the Earth 2 have changed recently, and the game is currently undergoing a redesign. An important element of the new design is that the game will be released in episodes. Although we hope the first episode will be available in the next year, we're not going to have an "official announcement" until we have a better idea of the release date.
Thank you.
Something is better than nothing, if I do say so myself.
So is it going to be like, a game engine of sorts, with downloadable episodes? Or will these be patches to the game to add the episodes onto it.
Or will they be separate games?
I was wondering about this myself. What is an "episode"?
Quote from: Lymril on Apr 08, 2007, 04:30 PM
I was wondering about this myself. What is an "episode"?
Each episode will be a complete game and story, but with subplots that may be resolved in a later episode.
Quote from: Amaroq Wolf on Apr 07, 2007, 09:19 AM
So is it going to be like, a game engine of sorts, with downloadable episodes? Or will these be patches to the game to add the episodes onto it.
Or will they be separate games?
Although this hasn't been entirely determined, it is most likely that each episode will be its own separate game based on an ever improving game engine.
Quote from: Lymril on Apr 08, 2007, 04:30 PM
I was wondering about this myself. What is an "episode"?
As far as I can tell, and I assume that this is what they are going to do.. This episodic content will be similar to the recent releases from the Sam & Max: Season 1 series of games. Each game coming as a stand alone package. With each episode being a stand alone story but also with an overreaching story arc.
Whatever comes out it will be interesting to see. It will be nice to see a little more traffic on this board, too.
Hey there! -_-
I'm new here (obviously) and as a fellow adventure gamer (MI anyone?) and animal lover I just wanted to say that I'm absolutely exited about the news that there's going to be an ITE sequel. Thanks Wyrmkeep for keeping this wonderful adventure game (the very first I've ever played, actually and I replayed just about a day ago) alive!
The episodic system sounds too, and it works quite well as I can tell from expierence (yeah, I'm playin' Sam n' Max as well ;)
I am begging youm WyrmMaster, PLEEZE do not let this become another Legend of Zelda; Twilight Princess. They delayed that game for a year and a half! I was so excited to hear the prospect of an ITE2, but all these delays have started to sour me. Is there any way that possibly some sort of unfinished beta copy could be released, or something like that, just to keep me from going insane?
*Real ITE Geek takes over the computer again* sorry about that....my schizophrenic twin brother..umm...yeah. Anyway, I would like to see some sort of evidence that this is official...outside of things like AnthroCon, because I have no means to get there. Something like an announcement on G4....just a thought.
I think we would all like to see something like that, but as it stands I dont think they have even gotten so far as to have any kind of working code much less completed the design stages of the project.
All I can say is Good things come to those who wait... hmm no.. Patience is a virtue? bah you get the idea im sure :D
First off.... this n00b doesn't want this to "become another Legend of Zelda; Twilight Princess. They delayed that game for a year and a half!"
Well, I think it has been longer than that for ITE 2, I know I, personally have been waiting for over a year. And seeing as the first one came out 13 years ago, I think it goes without saying that ITE 2 has likely at least been in people's minds for nearly that long. However, a loyal follower of all things ITE, and otherwise furry related, I stand by, waiting; Assured that I won't be let down......I won't, will I? ...Will I? WyrmMaster?
Edit after some digging: Perhaps, it's longer than I thought! I thought that ITE came out in 1994, but according to Talin's (of The Dreamer's Guild) website, the year listed is 1985!!! It says right here (http://www.sylvantech.com/~talin/programs.html). I can't conceive that to be true. This instruction manual clearly says "Copyright 1994 New World Computing, Inc." However, he was one of the top programmers on the project, so who am I to say he's wrong.
Talin's game The Faery Tale Adventure came out in 1985.
To begin with:
Hello from Australia. In brief I am, of all things, a veterinarian, as well as a musician and a writer who enjoys anything (of quality) that features animals or anthros.
I just had the chance to play the original game (or re-release on CD, so not quite the original), and thoroughly enjoyed it. I like such games in the vein of Monkey Island, so it was nice to play a purely furry game.
I'm looking forward to the next installment of Inherit the Earth, irrespective of the style or rendering format it will be in (2D or 3D, or both), and personally I think releasing the game in episodes is a good idea. Don't be in too much of a hurry to rush something out; for what I understand you are a relatively independent game company, so I can appreciate that money isn't something you are up to your armpits in. I think we all can patiently await each episode, knowing that giving you the time to iron out the bugs will make for a much more enjoyable gaming experience :)
As someone else already mentioned, I would be willing to make (monetary) donations if they would help.
As for the orientation of the game... well, personally, I found the original game to be lacking a little (not that I blame the developers, as I know how the original game was "re-realised" for a younger audience), and thus I hope that this game will have a more mature slant to it. By mature, I do *not* mean sexual, at all.
Anyway, irrespective of how the final product will be, I am looking forward to it. There aren't nearly enough quality anthro games around, which is a pity.
As someone who was crushed to find out that there was not a sequel to Inherit the Earth thirteen or so years ago when I was ten, I got very excited about the prospect of a sequel. However, as someone who has also been checking up on this possible sequel for quite some time now, even my patience is wearing thin. Sometimes the odd update (not necessarily giving a timeline), no matter how vague, can be just enough to keep someone like me from giving up altogether. So if it does by some magical force of magicky magic actually materialize, it's entirely possible that normally quite patient individuals (there have been several games I've waited years for) such as myself might not even notice that the sequel has come out because we no longer even think to check to see if it's out.
So--and I'm not trying to be a jerk here--I think that even a scrap or two now and then would be a wiser business decision than the deafening silence you currently seem to be employing as your marketing strategy.
Also, one quick question: Is the game (should it every come into existence) going to be geared towards people of the furry persuasion. I honestly hold no prejudice against furries, but (warning: another nugget of business "wisdom") I think it would be unwise to limit yourself and the game in such a way. I understand that furries are probably a pretty safe section of your consumer base, but do keep in mind that adventure game fans (like me)--especially those who have fond memories of ITE--are also part of that consumer base and are probably a good bet to buy the game.
OK, I guess that's all. Again, in case the tone of the post seems a bit hostile, I assure you that it is not meant that way at all. Thank you.
I have to agree with littleskitterbug on this one.
Dont worry WyrmMaster, as I have saidto other people, think about how much of a surprise it will be to everyone when it is released out of the blue. :D
Sorry, there is just nothing new to report right now.
I think maybe we should give WyrmMaster a break, ya know. Another way to look at this: you keep bugging someone about something and they're only going to feel forced into doing it. Making a game is hard work. When we continue to pester them for a game, they'll either begin to resist the idea of making one, or they'll rush their progress. In either case, the results aren't pretty. Just let them go at their own pace. Subscribe to this topic (or an IE2 update topic or something) so WyrmMaster can keep us informed of the news rather than us trying to squeeze every bit of news out of him/them that we can.
I too, have been waiting a bazzillion years for even a demo, but, I'll be patient... There IS going to be one, so, I'ttle be just a matter of time. And WyrmMaster, ignore the hate-mail you get all the time for delays and stuff, were just TOO psycho for our own good. -_- Every Friday I have to wear a straight-jacket to stop myself going on a Rambo-Style rampage on WyrmKeep HQ. But after a coffee I calm down abit... -erupts in a HUGE explosion of rage- AGGHHHHHH! I WANT ITE2! GRRRR! AGHHH! -suddenly the Police run into my room- Police: Stop Him! -I'm tied up in another straight-jacket- Me: Wait- this isn't Friday, it's Thurday! Im getting super-psycho! Better go know! Bye! ^_^
Trinkt nich so viel Caffee
Nicht für Kinder ist der Türkentrank
Schwächt die Nerven, macht dich blass und krank
Sei doch kein Muselmann
Der ihn nicht lassen kann!
Translation: switch to decaf.
No ag, just kidding :)
Must... Resist.. Urge.. To.. Self.. Terminate...
Hehe, despite how long its been taking for this sequel to get off the ground, I know WyrmKeep can definently pull it off.. I must admit I am very anxious to also get a hold of a demo, but if it takes many more months then I can wait, I have faith in them ;)
Any word on IE2? It's been too quiet in here lately.
I think you can safely say you have your market, WyrmMaster... ;)
By the way, that looks like some sort of Native American king: a puma's my guess.
I hope you'll soon have LOADS MORE to say about it...
Hungry eyes, greedy hearts
Rush to malls with shopping carts
Pounce on boxes
Rip off lids
Stuff the CD's in computers
Start to play the world's best game...
Okay, not all of it rhymes, and the rythm's kind of wonky, but I think that pretty much sums up my feelings. -_-
Take all your time, though (not like you'd rush) as long as it's good quality with all the atmosphere of the original.
I'm certainly going to buy it as soon as possible!
Fall of 2008? Sounds promising :) But, as always, toes are crossed just in case. Either way, good to at least get some news about how things are going.
Now that I have a little time on my hand, I might just have to do a little composition themed around Inherit the Earth...
See, what did I say a few months ago? Good things come to he who waits? or something along those lines :)
Okay, I'll admit it. I'm still waiting. Can't help it. Been waiting since I was ten, so I guess it's not really an option for me to give up. Seeing the tentative Fall 2008 on the ITE 2 site gave me just enough hope...Thanks for that!
OH MY GOD! ITE2!!!! WOW!!!! WHHOOOOOHOOOOOO! :mellow: Well done, WrymMaster!
PS: For some strange reason, when I tried to change my avatar, using upload, it didn't work. I tried a JPEG and a BMP. Whats going on?
Being the demented idiot I am, my avatar was too big, so yes, I have fixed it. Don't you just love it? :rolleyes: -angry crowd booes-
Confusious says: If one p**s into wind, wind p**s back.
Are you all looking for Writers to help with extending Plots, Sub-quests, Verbalization, or other such things? I'd love to help and have a sample site set up.
There's also a Fanfic story I've added to the forums if that interest you more. =^^=
Great to hear some news on the sequel. Got everything crossed for you guys!
Hey there, how is the current progress/status of ITE2? When can we get first pictures to see how the graphic style of the game looks like!? I´m highly interrested in this kind of news! :D But is it to early to request such information? :huh:
Hey, everybody....I know I haven't been on in a while....(REALLY long story) Anyhoo....on the status of ITE2....what's the situation of the script? Is it finished? If not, then I have an idea that I think would tie-in REALLY well to the series, if you would like to hear it.....
Wyrmmaster, I assume there have been some additional delays as the 'tentative' release date has shifted to next year.. nothing major has gone wrong i hope?
To answer all the recent posts: ITE 2 is on hold right now as we try to resolve some issues before we can proceed.
lol original post was in 2005!! :o And looks like yet another year must go by, from the link you posted it shows 2009.
oh well, progress is progress, right? Will there also be a pocket pc release? I really enjoyed playing it on my mobile.
-cheers. ;)
We've been waiting how long? Ten years? What's another?
Quote from: Gable on Jun 22, 2008, 08:12 AM
lol original post was in 2005!! :o And looks like yet another year must go by, from the link you posted it shows 2009.
oh well, progress is progress, right? Will there also be a pocket pc release? I really enjoyed playing it on my mobile.
-cheers. ;)
On Hold ... mmmh, I really hope there are no major issues like license problems or this stuff! :huh:
Licensing is a non-issue. Other matters are slowing development.
Hope they can all be resolved soon!
I have just recently been introduced to Inherit the Earth. I completed it this afternoon and was very satisified. I sincerelly hope these complications that have risen in regard to the sequel will be able to be overcome. I realize you can not divulge much information as to the nature of these complications, but are things looking brighter now than they were before?
By the way - my "original post" was long before 2005 when i asked for the sequel ;)
I still hope for it, even if i actually don't really belive in it any more.
Quote from: Lymril on Jun 23, 2008, 02:03 PM
We've been waiting how long? Ten years? What's another?
And THAT'S the point.
The first game was released around 1994, and for years the chance to see a sequel was only chimerical.
The reasons of this delay must be searched in the high engagement of the whole team.
If they still decide to do not release it, I am the happiest one. This means to me a better game. I am sure about that.
Let's sit down and wait, impatiently, but wait. ;-)
It´s been some time now, hope you get all problems solved in time Wyrmmaster! :) I´m looking forward to more Artwork and maybe a screenshot or drawing of the games interface! :)
Before I forgot, can you maybe tell us when we can expect to get some new information from you regarding the games current situation?
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I totally love Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb.....I've loved the game since I was much younger....probably since it first came out.....I truely hope that there is a sequal to the game to be made....I was definately be excited and buy the game....I think that the idea for this game is so very cool....I look forward to the sequal to the game.....
Strange, Wyrmmaster still hasn´t answered ... I wonder if the ITE2 project is canceled (I hope not) or he is just to busy to answer ... . It almost seems as if this part of the Forum is dead, I hope I´m wrong! :( I should post a little more often I guess! :/
The project is on hold.
Quote from: WyrmMaster on Feb 11, 2009, 09:47 AM
The project is on hold.
"Mommy? I think Grandpa is losing his marbles."
"Why is that, sweetie?"
"He said when he was my age he once played a computer game about a fox named 'Riff'."
"Why does that make you think he's losing his marbles?"
"The game came out just last week."
I hope that problems in the world's economic climate aren't the reason :(
Well, at least we know that the game will be released sometime between now, and December 31st, 2099...
Best of luck with whatever it is that is holding you up for now.
Quote from: AussieWolf on May 19, 2009, 07:45 PM
Well, at least we know that the game will be released sometime between now, and December 31st, 2099...
Best of luck with whatever it is that is holding you up for now.
Uh oh...now that you've said that, they're going to change it to 2XXX so that it could be as late as the end of 2999. Who knows, the world could blow up before this game is released. I've been eagerly awaiting this game since 2006 when I first heard that a sequel was being made.
Hm, well, when I registered to this forum I was told it would be released mid 2008 - then 2009, now it is on hold. Hmmmmm...
Not really what i hoped to find here when checking the news.
Inherit the earth II, We´ll meet you in the next century! :/
Looks like this is going to be an never ending story I guess. :'( Not even a single screenshot or a bit more concept art (if that one on the site is actual concept art of a character from the sequel), zero nada nothing...
I visit this site here every now and then to see if anything has changed, but oh well, I wouldn´t be surprised if it was canceled. I still hope and think its not, but its so quiet it makes one think it is.
Yeah, I've pretty much given up on it myself.
Wyrmkeeper, I think you're past due for a status update.
Quote from: Tobibrocki on Aug 07, 2009, 10:05 AM
Inherit the earth II, We´ll meet you in the next century! :/
Looks like this is going to be an never ending story I guess. :'( Not even a single screenshot or a bit more concept art (if that one on the site is actual concept art of a character from the sequel), zero nada nothing...
I visit this site here every now and then to see if anything has changed, but oh well, I wouldn´t be surprised if it was canceled. I still hope and think its not, but its so quiet it makes one think it is.
The concept sketch on inherittheearth2.com site is for a character from the sequel. The sequel is on hold until some issues are resolved. The only thing that has been canceled at this point is any definite release date for now.
You cannot tell when these issues might be solved, can you? I think I asked this a year ago but I´ll ask you again, these Issues you are talking about, what kind of issues are they, can you tell anything about them in any way? It´s been so long now, maybe some here could help, or are they something the community can not solve?
Well, at least you said something about the status, even though it´s nothing new! :)
What game engine would you be using to make the game? A lot of adventure games nowadays are made with AGS, which is pretty good in its own right.
Not sure if this is the place to post it, but if you need a new "classic" art work while we are waiting for the story to resume, how about the character on the Inherit the Earth II web site?
Quote from: MontanaJoe on Aug 17, 2009, 01:53 PM
What game engine would you be using to make the game? A lot of adventure games nowadays are made with AGS, which is pretty good in its own right.
AGS is a 2D engine, and ITE2 will be 3D. Anyway, the engine is not the roadblock.
I'm sorry, but what is wrong with development? I go to college for game & graphic design. I'd like to help. I've been waiting on a sequel for 15 years :-(.
I have not played ITE before, but from what I have seen I like the setting and content. I dont know if money is a problem, but if it is you could look into making a port of ITE and maybe some of the other games for consoles. I know that the XBox360 has a rather large number of arcade games, and if you released it there it would probably be do well enough. Any Arcade like games would do well too if you packaged them together or something. Just throwing out suggestions.
I was thinking about redoing this game for flash. But apparently, it's still earning money, and that would defeat the purpose. I usually work on non-profit projects. I used to be an artist and designer (did art, music, level design, etc) for the first mmo. But, I'll work for free. I just want there to be something new.
I would be willing to discuss the situation with you via email: techsupport@wyrmkeep.com.
I hope the problems you developers might have will be solved soon, is the script even finished? Seems like it doesn´t look good for the project afterall... seems like me and a handful other people still care for this project. I suppose any kind of "announcement" about the game might not come soon.
Hehe, sorry WyrmMaster for getting on your nerves with this all the time, asking and asking, you must be pretty annoyed by this! :-/ I´m just interested in the project, still! So, I hope the problems get solved soon!I really hope it´s not an legal issue or so, or it could also be that you guys currently work on the project and when the time comes, BOOM, big announcement. But that´s all speculation.... .
So yeah, I still care for the project, just to let you know (once more)! ;)
By the way, are there any plans for a Xbox Live Arcade or PSN port of ITE?
Wyrmkeep Entertainment owns all the right to Inherit the Earth. The only issues are technical and financial.
There is a plot for the first episode (the game is planned as episodes like the recent Sam & Max games).
I see! Mmmmh... .
Speaking of Sam&Max, have you tried to, work togehther with TellTale Games? They have experience with these type of Games, maybe that could work out. However, the financial side ... you are probably searching for an investor right now and as it looks like no one has interest yet. :-(
I like the episode Idea, once all the episodes have been completed you would probably sell em all on a Disc, am I right?
I haven't been actively seeking investors (yet).
Once the 5 (or 6?) episodes are complete, then a CD release would be a possibility.
I can't say yes for certain, but that would seem the way pricing usual works.
I will definitely buy the episodes, AND the solid version.
Do you have plan to make a discount on those customers that have bought all the episodes (like telltale is doing with monkey saga, eventually in a single solution)?
Any chance to know how much an episode will cost?
Fingers crossed that the ITE sequel (or episode series) is still on track. No idea how a person goes about finding investors or how much in the way of financial resources Wyrmkeep needs, but I ran across this: http://www.kickstarter.com/ (http://www.kickstarter.com/) while I was checking up on the development of another independent adventure game (Resonance) http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/VinceTwelve/resonance-retro-styled-adventure-game-contest-e (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/VinceTwelve/resonance-retro-styled-adventure-game-contest-e). Seems like Kiva (but for creative folk) and Kiva seems to enjoy a lot of success. Totally unsolicited information, I know, but I thought I'd share because I think it's an interesting fundraising strategy and I'm getting all worried that ITE 2 (in any shape or form) may never happen. :( kthxbye
I still hope for the sequal, too, but I can imagine how difficult it can be to find sponsors for the sequal for a game that is so old. I was surprised to find out they had made a new version for the new Windows system. Good luck to Wyrmkeep for that project!
Any new details as to the status of the new game?
The plan for the sequel has changed, but it's too early to give any details. (Yes, I know that's vague. Sorry.)
I wish a company would do to Inherit the Earth as they did with the Monkey Island series and update the original game. It's so legendary... though I'm biased because it was my first Mac game I ever played.
Would you be planning on adding a combat system? I'm sorry, but the majority of people these days only like games if there is fighting in it. It's kinda dumb, but true.
Quote from: WyrmMaster on Jul 02, 2010, 04:03 PM
The plan for the sequel has changed
Hopefully in a good way! *Fingers Crossed*
Quote from: Mb nut on Jul 03, 2010, 09:49 AM
Would you be planning on adding a combat system?
The current design doesn't require anything other than a very stylized combat system (if any). I'm not trying to compete against Halo here...
I'm not saying much but I'm following the topic. I'd be glad to hear more about what's going on with the project, whatever it is. Truthfully, do you think there's enough demand for the game to continue with it? It's been 15 years now.
I think enough people are interested in a sequel, making it worth continuing development (even if that development is coming along slowly).
There are a lot of my friends who would love to play the sequel. I know I'm certainly not looking for it to be like Halo. If it was, it would be a shame!
Seems like you have a story already available. The Orb of Stones was lost, its location is known, but it hasn't been recovered. So who's up for an adventure to recover the Orb? Naturally it will not be where Rif last saw it. A mystery regarding who found the Orb, where it was taken, and what plans they have for it. Possible culprits? Didn't we have a storyline regarding wolves and boars in a secret alliance? What if the thief didn't die? Could an unknown force within the Wild Lands hold the key to the mystery? And who said Rif has to be the mighty adventurer?
Hedgehog could brainstorm this one and devise many scenarios with just the hints given in the classic art work and the comic.
I already have a plot.
Inherit the Earth is one of the games that have what it takes to be called a game. A lot of new game developers don't understand that point and at the end, it turns out to be bad and no one is willing to waste their time in playing the game. I would want to see that there is a sequel for the game as well, as the game is really one of a kind, mysterious and very entertaining.
Three years on, and I thought I would take a look at what is happening.
Not much, it seems. Not much at all. Ah, well, at least this game has not been hyped like Duke Nukem Forever. ;)
Still looking forward to this game, since there really isn't much out there in the way of furry games. At least nothing particularly tasteful.
Dear WyrmMaster,
If you are developing Inherit the Earth II as a sequel rather than another chapter in the universe then I will be sorely disappointed. We all know too well the black mark of expectation sequels carry even if they stem from a completely new concept. I run a game development business, and the way I would approach a new tale of the ITE universe would be to maintain the naming convention and focus on new previously unexplored aspects of the world. That means no orbs this time and new trials and tribultions revolving around humanity's abandoned or left over secrets. I also like the open ended disappearance of humanity. Finding out exactly what happened to an advanced race that disappeared and left remnants of their technology behind would certainly not be discovered in the Middle Ages. I would wait for another chapter perhaps further along in the timeline. After all the Animals seem to be repeating human history. It is only fitting that they eventually develop the technology to reveal the truth behind their teachers. As for the naming convention, I would stay well away from numbers altogether. For example, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe is followed with The Chronicles of Narnia: The Return to Narnia, as opposed to being proceeded with The Chronicles of Narnia II !! The latter mixed message title format essentially breaks the chronological order and worse, the progressive chapter reveal. This product is too precious to destroy. It really was the single game of it's kind. There are zero others like it and it demands the attention to detail if it is to be an equally memorable story.
Still, even a badly received story must be marketed, however if you are interested in thrusting development forward on a new ITE game or perhaps revisiting the old one to match the proposed style of the new title, my company may be able to help you. Not only do we write, develop and publish our own games but we also do work for hire with many large publishers, including Ubisoft, Capcom, Atari, Konami, Jo Wood and Nemco to name a variety. I would be happy to share a profitable and cost-convenient success plan with your business over other channels. Perhaps if you PM me about it I can offer you my Skype and email if you would like to explore this further.
I'm certain I spoke too soon and you've already considered all these possibilities. In any case, good luck with this production. Sequels are a logistical nightmare to live up to their predecessors but you are lucky that Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb was released as number one of a so far untapped chronology.
Paul W.
@AussieWolf: Yup, I've been away for... eish, I don't know, three years as well I think. Yes, I started here at the end of 2007 when I was in first year and I have a degree now. Wow, I've been using this password for a long time, otherwise I wouldn't have remembered it >.>
Anyways... my working hypothesis was that if I left and came back, something would have happened in the meantime. So much for that idea. *stifled sob*
@subspark: Yes! Spur these guys on! Let's see some action around here! :P
So checking in here again after a reeeeally looooong time :)
Good to see the thread is still alive. Has there already been any kind of success in the meantime? ^^
Right now I'm concentrating on finding an artist to take over the comic strip, then I will begin looking for a storyboard artist for the game sequel.
Artists are welcome to contact me about storyboard art job anytime though -_-
How are things progressing WyrmMaster, if I might be so bold as to ask. Also, how goes the artist search?
Hey guys. I'm interested in working on the game. No joke. I've been wanting to see this through. ITE is the entire reason I became an artist and an animator in the first place. I grew up with it and want to a see a sequel completed. I'd be honored to be a part of it. But, don't bother asking me to do work on it if you don't plan on finishing it. If I commit to something, I intend to see it through. Let's get this thing in production!
I excel in storyboards, 2D animation, concept art, you name it. I have a vision for a sequel, but only shreds of the story.
My website: http://www.mourou.net/
Contact from me personally from there, because I hardly ever visit these forums anymore.
Quote from: skbleader on Jul 26, 2011, 02:15 AM
Hey guys. I'm interested in working on the game. No joke. I've been wanting to see this through. ITE is the entire reason I became an artist and an animator in the first place. I grew up with it and want to a see a sequel completed. I'd be honored to be a part of it. But, don't bother asking me to do work on it if you don't plan on finishing it. If I commit to something, I intend to see it through. Let's get this thing in production!
I excel in storyboards, 2D animation, concept art, you name it. I have a vision for a sequel, but only shreds of the story.
My website: http://www.mourou.net/
Contact from me personally from there, because I hardly ever visit these forums anymore.
I have left a message on your website.
Could someone explain this?
Quote from: theruler on Oct 31, 2011, 02:36 AM
Could someone explain this?
That's... interesting.
A friend made some research, and it seems to be an actual movie. :ph34r:
Here is the official trailer of the soon to be released DVD:
Those links are to a production called "Bitter Lake," which does not have the plot of Inherit the Earth.
Maybe someone re-edited some footage to make a faux trailer for an ITE movie.
Yeah, sure. That the ITE trailer was a fake it was implied.
A nice and sincere tribute, actually, but always a fake.
Will there be legal consequences?
Quote from: theruler on Nov 03, 2011, 02:19 AM
Yeah, sure. That the ITE trailer was a fake it was implied.
A nice and sincere tribute, actually, but always a fake.
Will there be legal consequences?
I would hope not, at least not against the guys who made
Bitter Lake since they never made any connections to
Inherit the Earth. Besides, what good could come of it? If anything, the team that did
Bitter Lake might be a good source of talent at some later date.
Quote from: JSM3050 on Nov 03, 2011, 10:16 PM
Besides, what good could come of it?
I have no problem with it.
Recently rediscovered this game again and was wondering if anything's happened about the sequel although the silence on here does worry me a little bit :S
Just seen the update so nevermind! So glad to see that things are starting to happen for this wonderful little game! :D
I am also really excited about this game! I´ll buy it directly it´s finnished. Please let us see some screenshots as soon as there are any! :)
I am currently posting updates about Inherit the Earth 2 in another topic (http://www.wyrmkeep.com/forums/index.php?topic=435.0).
I am new to the forums but am a cult follower of ITE also. It is by far my favorite game ever. I played it very young on DOS and I have probably played through it 10 times over. Unfortunately I don't run any emulators anymore to play it again. I REALLY REALLY hope that it is released for android or even on Steam. If you made it available on Steam I am sure it would sell. I also suggest doing a kickstarter for the sequel! I am sure you could attract a lot of funding.